Profs Simon Mercieca has given you a blog entitled “Exclusive: Daphne Caruana Galizia was blown up after she confronted her husband about his extramarital affair which he was having with a court expert”. In his piece Profs Mercieca wrote that Daphne Caruana Galizia had received “an explosive dossier concerning her husband’s extramarital affair with a court expert. The lady is an architect by profession. In this dossier Daphne Caruana Galizia was given the email correspondence that her husband had with this woman. The contents included a description of the sexual fantasies her husband was having with this female architect.”

“On reading this dossier Daphne Caruana Galizia became furious and confronted her husband. The contents were so explosive that hell broke out in Daphne Caruana Galizia’s house. Let us not forget that according to her son Matthew and the Deputy Attorney General Philip Galea Farrugia Sunday was a peaceful day at Daphne’s home in Bidnija!”

Profs Mercieca reminded you that “Matthew Caruana Galizia gave three different versions of why he had left the car outside on Sunday. Let us not forget that Matthew Caruana Galizia insisted that Sunday was a serene day in his family’s life and Yorgen Fenech destroyed all this serenity” and that Daphne had realized “the hidden implications of the contents of this dossier and the type of sexual encounters Peter Caruana Galizia was having with this female architect. Incidentally in this dossier Daphne Caruana Galizia received there was even a reference to Jason Azzopardi and his extramarital affair.”

I remind the readers that Profs Mercieca has been making an excellent analysis of Yorgen Fenech’s case for quite some time and for this he was attacked and massacred and even had his accounts checked because he was accused of receiving money from Yorgen Fenech! The same deputy Attorney General Philip Galea Farrugia who opened a court case against Profs Mercieca is on record saying that this site does a trial analysis “bi ħlas”!! Now the same Galea Farrugia must tell the nation how and why he said that Sunday was a peaceful day at Daphne’s home in Bidnija and why he dragged Profs Simon Mercieca to court accusing him of something which he did not do!
Exclusive: Daphne Caruana Galizia was blown up after she confronted her husband about his extramarital affair which he was having with a court expert.

And yet many Maltese question why Daphne’s car was left outside as it is common sense. And yet many Maltese question why Daphne’s laptop was never given as it is common sense. And what is more grievous is that the police allowed this because the Degiorgios implicated the involvement of high-ranking officers within the police corps and the army because “even though they have passed on sensitive information to the police concerning A NUMBER of cases ‘the police took no action perhaps on instructions of certain important people. Worse still we believe that in certain cases the justice system is being used to side-track the truth and certain individuals are being accused who as far as we know played no part in these crimes.‘” How can Yorgen Fenech have a just trial if we have members in every tier of society not investigating their ‘brothers’ in this heinous murder?
No wonder Daphne in her last line of her last blog had written “There are crooks everywhere we look now. The situation is desperate.” Both Profs Mercieca and myself questioned if this was also referring to members of her family. One wonders also what other pattern did she see or realise. I have questioned in another blog if Daphne had come to the realization that masonic infiltration was complete at every tier of society and its implications.

In lieu of the above I would like to take the readers to a blog in which I reminded the nation of “when Peter Caruana Galizia filed a police report against Daphne and later dropped the charges”.

I wrote how the publication of the news by the Independent which dated back to 11th March 2010 had left me a bit struck at the time. I wrote how when Daphne was killed my mind took me back to this article. Let me remind the readers that Daphne was a regular columnist with The Malta Independent so to have such an article on the same newspaper on which she was a regular columnist should point to something which stinks.

I wrote how I asked the questions as to and I quote from my blog “what was the true cause of the argument between Daphne and her husband” and “if Daphne was happy in her marriage life and if her family was happy with her writings. Today I also ask if they were happy having to check for bombs under their cars. What a pity it was that on the day Daphne was killed this usual routine bomb checking was not done. What a pity it was that Daphne’s car was left outside by her son. Considering that Matthew Caruana Galizia was driving the same car the evening before another question I ask is how come the Degiorgios knew that it was going to be Daphne driving that car and not her son Matthew like he did the evening before. I presume that binoculars did the trick.”

Now I add more questions. For how long has Peter Caruana Galizia been having extramarital affairs? Was the argument they had in which she threw a plate at him and against which he had filed a police report about an affair he was having at the time? When she left the house on the day she was killed where was she going? Was she going to file for a separation? Was she going to a lawyer? Was she going to the bank? Did she feel under shock on realising that members of her family had turned against her?

In lieu of all this since we are talking about a span of 7 years between 2010 and 2017 with the first attempt to kill her was in 2015 for what span of time was her murder discussed and how many times? Who got fed up of Daphne so much so that he or they wanted her out of the way?
Hence I am here posing again the question I did to Peter and Matthew and Caruana Galizia in my blog “Daphne’s murder the HSBC Heist Edwina Grima the removal of Magistrate Scerri Herrera – can Peter and Matthew Caruana Galizia tell us who are the lodge’s crooks they are protecting and who are the lodge’s crooks protecting them”:

Daphne’s murder the HSBC Heist Edwina Grima the removal of Magistrate Scerri Herrera – can Peter and Matthew Caruana Galizia tell us who are the lodge’s crooks they are protecting and who are the lodge’s crooks protecting them?

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