Call of Duty – the video game

Alan Watt: “Now we’ve got Dan from California on the line. Are you there, Dan?

Dan: Hey Alan. Boy it’s great to talk to you and your subject is right on. I’m a video game developer in California and when I started at Atari back in the ’80s we always used to joke because Atari was right across the street from Lockheed Missiles and Space.

Alan: Coincidence, eh?

Dan: We made games like Missile Command and Battle Zone and we always used to joke that there was a secret tunnel between Atari and Lockheed and if anything ever happened they’d just hook these kids up to these games and the gamers would control these devices at Lockheed. We thought it was a big joke. So the last game that I worked on was ‘Call of Duty 4’, right. It’s for Xbox-360. It’s one of the biggest games out there. This Call of Duty game and I can’t even believe – you know I’m listening to your show. I’m working on the game and the game’s a first-person shooter, all takes place in the Middle East you know with all the overtones and political overtones that you can think of coming from the Middle East.

Alan: The propaganda.

Dan: And the server that we’re working on for the whole game it’s called Huxley 6.

Alan: Oh really.

Dan: I couldn’t believe it and just before the game starts on each of the intro levels they have little quotes and quotes from who? Bertrand Russell, Plato. I’m surprised they didn’t throw in Albert Pike.

Alan: He’ll come. He’ll come down the road.

Dan: I couldn’t believe it. I’m listening to your show, working on this game and as we’re working on this game we’re getting a parade of these politicians coming through. The mayor of Los Angeles. The governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s coming to the company to see how the game is doing. I mean this is a game.

Alan: It’s very important to the ones at the top and it’s not the only company that’s giving the information. They’re doing this to all the major ones. They don’t know it but they’re all working together. They’re all working together because information is fed to higher levels and then fed down to you.

Dan: I never wanted to believe this. I always defended video games that they are outside of the control of that system you know but this last game – I mean parts of the game just made me sick to my stomach. Playing it triggers all of those psychopathic psychological triggers. You don’t get points for staying alive. You just survive. You don’t get points. You get points if you kill. It’s designed this and just the effects of the game was just wild. Anyway, I just was so shocked making this game and listening to your show and I bookmarked your Cutting Through the Matrix on all the computers at the development company. I won’t say the name but everybody knows Call of Duty, if they’re listening to your show, they’re going to be affected by that game and I guess my question is you get all this stuff coming at you —

Alan: Hang and we’ll finish this after the next break.

Dan: Thanks.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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