The Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony was a platform for Satanism, the LGBTIQA+ agenda, perversion, vulgarity and pedophilia while referencing the Rider of the White Horse in the Book of Revelation

In the past this site has tackled how in some past Olympic ceremonies, we were given the future plans by the controllers themselves. I keep on repeating – this is the revelation of the method in the mocking ritual of the victim and predictive programming. If you want to brush it off and laugh at it, it is up to you. You have been warned to be on the look out when their agendas are staring you in the face.

So, in the 1992 Olympics Ceremony we had a prelude of Covid-19. Please read here.

The 2012 London Olympics Ceremony was another ceremony full of predictive programming for Covid-19. Please read here.

Two articles covered the 2022 Commonwealth games ceremony which was inflicted with signs and symbols of the Illuminati. Please read here and here.

The 2017 ceremony of Gotthard Base Tunnel was also packed with symbols. Please read here, here and here.

Last month we had the pentagram being displayed indirectly through a dance in the show of Euro 2024 in the final game between Spain and England.

This site also tackled how in various Eurovision performances, we were given signs too. Please type Eurovision in this search section of this site. This year’s Eurovision was a platform for satanism, vulgarity, perversion, paedophilia and the LBTQIA+ agenda. Please read here and here.

Do you remember that last June, this site published a blog titled “This year, the LGBTQIA+ agenda is ignited by the Olympic flame”?

And now we just had the 2024 Paris Olympic Ceremony, which was not only a platform for the LGBTIQA+ agenda, but was also Satanic. Some call this ‘French History’ as delusional as they are. If they wanted to depict the French History and the French Revolution, they could have done it in another way.

There was also the performance of Mali-born French pop superstar Aya Nakamura who immigrated to France with her family as a child and grew up in the Paris suburbs. She is transgender. The most important thing during performances nowadays is that we sell sexuality. Far-right groups criticised the organisers’ decision to let her represent France at the Olympics.

We had a singer dressed in blue, virtually nude, making barely audible allusions to his body parts. The pulsating beat of “Freed From Desire” [freed from desire? That is libertinism?] by singer-songwriter Gala, a powerful voice against homophobia, sent blonde-bearded drag queen Piche crawling on all fours. There were the beginnings of a menage à trois (the camera was slammed before things got too hot and steamy) and the conclusion of a passionate kiss between two men who danced off while holding hands and cuddling.

And so we had another Sodom and Gomorrah being played in front of us.

There is something else that struck me. Notice the child among the drag queens [that please note are all men] who parodied the Last Supper:

What is a child doing here? Whose child is this? This is the spirit of perversion. This is gross. This is vile. This is demonic. They are after children through their grooming fetishes and paedophilia.

This is the spirit of the false prophet which is running the world in yet another -ism which is that of wokeism.

What had all this to do with sport? It was the gayest ceremony, and it even opened with a suggested bisexual threesome!

To add more insult to injury, there was what appears to be referencing the Book of Revelation, the rider of the pale white horse.

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

By the way, do you know that this was the 33rd Olympics? So, don’t you see having Death riding a pale white horse with the wings of Lucifer in the 33rd Olympics as a big problem? If you don’t, you’re far too gone. I will write about the four horsemen of the Apocalypse in another piece because these four horsemen are symbolic depictions of different events that will take place in the end times and we are in the end times.

So, what are we being told with the depiction of the first horseman in this ceremony opening? What are the Illuminati telling us of what awaits humanity?

In light of this, it is imperative that the truth is communicated. It is your responsibility to open the eyes of your friends and family to the truth – and most importantly to Jesus Christ. And the clergy and the church leaders have the utmost duty, at this time and age, to give the congregation and the people the truth, in every way possible, at whatever risk they face, so that souls are not lost.

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