Follow the white line: hypocritical David Casa joins corrupt Von der Leyen and Lagarde to be damage control for Malta

Malta’s longest-standing MEP, David Casa, is another of those mysteries which makes you scratch your head as to how come he has been re-elected over and over again. But let’s be honest – there is not much competition whatsoever in the P.N.A.S. – Partit Nazzjonalista Anzjan Skadut.

If the PN thinks that I am here to glorify it or glorify its candidates, I won’t. I am not a wannabe Daphne or a Daphne, who chose whom to keep on her good books, and who not, and when she found out that she had got it wrong with those whom she kept on the good books, it was too late. I am not here with any ulterior personal agendas or to be someone. I am a mere servant of God which suffices me very much, and it is how I want to be seen. I am me and I believe in the uniqueness of each individual. The more an individual is of principle, individuals who are becoming rare nowadays, the more I hold that individual in high esteem.

David Casa lacks principles.

Casa has no scruples to screw you with his votes in favour of agendas which will further screw you. An example is through his climate package – the Social Climate Fund – which the European Parliament approved, and which governments will operate so to make you slaves to the climate change hoax. And Casa is proud of such a result. You can read more here. But he sells you his filth as something from which you will benefit.

Follow-the-white-line David Casa comes forth with that angelic face to turn us into a nation to be hated abroad, in his ongoing attempts to tarnish the name of our country. Instead of rising above what the PL does, he does worse.

Follow-the-white-line David Casa comes forth with that angelic face to throw us in a class with a bad name to tarnish the name of our country. Instead of rising above what the PL does, he does worse.

And yet, he comes to this rock to ask the Nationalist Party fanatics with political OCD to re-elect him so that he can continue to screw us. In his lifestory as an MEP, we find number of different times where the same Casa used the European Parliament to attack Malta without any justification, through debates against our country.

A week ago he had the wiċċ tost to strut like a peacock and boast that he wrote a letter to Christine Lagarde, the President of the European Central Bank, to monitor the situation demanding Professor Edward Scicluna to resign from post as a Governor of the Central Bank.

Reiterating that he will continue to do his best to be another hypocrite like an evil sadist to tarnish our country – follow-the-white-line David Casa is resorting for refuge in a President who is corrupt to the core! This is what individuals who lack principles do.

Not only Lagarde’s appointment as President of the European Central Bank is illegal, but she is also corrupt. And yet she was appointed as President and she is also the chief of the IMF. David Casa is screwing us with the ECB and the IMF and this is a very, very dangerous game with serious consequences!

And yet, he is ordering her to use her influence in relation to this case while in the same breath, he claimed that he is working to improve the reputation of the Central Bank. Why doesn’t the elitist Soros funded European Parliament, in which Casa sits his arse nicely and warmly while earning loads of money just to screw us, see on how to improve the reputation of the European Central Bank, to which Casa is looking up to? Ħallina naqra!

David Casa, are you knowledgeable of the Maltese law or not? You should know that in Article 9 (3), we read ‘no person shall be appointed a director who […] under the law of any country has been […] convicted of a crime affecting public trust or of theft or of fraud.’ Only if Professor Scicluna is found guilty of a criminal offence he must resign. So, dear Casa, be quiet and let things unfold first. You speak and act gibberish and you say one thing, and do the other thing, as the typical hypocritical PN and its dangerous establishment. What a bunch of hypocrites!

And here comes another ironical story. A month ago follow-the-white-line heroic Casa is featured on Newsbook posing like a peacock for a photo together with none other than the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, demanding stronger action from the EU to address the collapse of the rule of law in Malta.

“Casa expressed frustration at what he sees as a lack of action against high-profile individuals implicated in corruption scandals, particularly those exposed in the Panama Papers.

He highlighted the alleged breaches of the Official Secrets and Security Services Acts by Keith Schembri, former chief of staff to Joseph Muscat, in relation to the murder investigation of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Casa said that if the authorities allow the prescriptive period for prosecuting Schembri to lapse, it would be unacceptable.”

Do you know what is unacceptable David Casa? Many factors but I will tackle a few ones related to the European Parliament and Ursula von der Leyen, while we are in the loop.

What is unacceptable is that the European Parliament gave its final blessing to key pieces of legislation that form the backbone of the EU’s climate policy package. Read here.

What is unacceptable is that the European Parliament is existing solely to promote left-wing politics and Casa is part of this politics. Read here.

What is unacceptable is that the EU leadership has indebted Malta and all member states for hundreds of billions of euros to buy deadly and experimental vaccines. There was no mention from Casa’s end about these vaccines. Read here.

What is unacceptable is the publication of an audit report in the EU’s Covid-19 vaccine procurement strategy which raised new concerns about the high-level contacts between Bourla and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen prior to a multibillion-euro vaccine contract. And this is the same Von der Leyen whom Casa is addressing to tackle Malta’s corruption! Ħallina naqra! You can read here.

There is no rule of law in the same EU where corruption stinks to the core, so how dare Casa ask for it from the same EU which does not even know what it means to obey the law, let alone! It is only good at breaching them and stepping on our rights!

Nothing is more hypocritical and nefarious than a fellow who pretends he is seeking good advice but sets a bad example, while he follows-the-white-line.

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