Professor Ryszard Legutko a Polish MEP claimed that the European Parliament now exists solely to promote left-wing politics. And Metsola is all in favour of this project.

Seventy years after the forerunner to the European Union was founded a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) said during a “birthday” event that the bloc had done “a lot of damage” to the continent.

During an anniversary event for the EU body held on Tuesday 27th November Professor Ryszard Legutko a Polish MEP who serves as the head of the right-wing European Conservatives and Reformists group blasted the European Parliament in particular for doing “a lot of damage” to the continent.

While many eurocrats have praised the ostensible parliament’s role in Europe Legutko claims the organization has significantly harmed Europe claiming that it now exists solely to promote left-wing politics.

“[T]he bitter truth is that the European Parliament has done a lot of damage in Europe ” the Law and Justice party politician said drawing gasps from the assembly’s floor. One can also observe Metsola’s facial expressions and that of Ursula von Der Leyen. His speech is as follows:

“The Parliament has become a political vehicle of the left to impose their monopoly with their fierce intolerance towards any dissenting view no matter how many times you repeat the word ‘diversity’. Diversity is becoming an extinct species in the European Union and in this chamber. The Parliament is a quasi-parliament because it rejects the essential principle of parliamentarism namely accountability.

The deputy let me remind you is elected by the voters and must be accountable to the voters that elected him. Not so in the European Union. The idea that say Spanish German French et cetera deputies accountable to their own national electorates can dictate something to shall we say Hungarian society or any other society to which they cannot be held accountable and which cannot them to task is simply preposterous. Call it what you will. But democracy it is not.

To sum the parliament represents the demos that does not exist works for the project that ignores reality and law shuns accountability turns its back on millions of people and serves the interest of one political orientation. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Having said that ladies and gentlemen I rest my case.”

The tentacles of the woke octopus are everywhere. The world is being enslaved.

And since Malta is now a colony of the same leftist EU then our government is following the thread left by such tentacles in its quest to turn Malta again into a niche of the Woke and the New World Order.

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