Our EU puppet politicians and MEPs failed to safeguard the livelihood of our local farmers

Croation MEP Mislav Kolakušić has already warned us, in his speech at the EU Parliament that the “The role of farmers in the green transition is to disappear:”

Yesterday local farmers, who gathered to protest for the first time in 40 years, had a protest banner attached to their vehicle which read “Green deal? No deal.”

We have Bill Gates who has become the largest land owner of land in America, and who suddenly, has become Farmer Bill, an expert in agriculture. Thus, the push on fake meat, which is not healthy at all. Rest assured that wherever this guy sets his foot in, there is more gains for him but losses for the people. Yesterday local farmers, who gathered to protest for the first time in 40 years, had a protest banner attached to their vehicle which read “No farmer, eat synthetic.”

In India, there has been so much an increasing burden on farmers caused by inflated agricultural prices, cost of land preparation, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, together with the costs of equipment, that NCRB data shows that the incidence of farmer suicides has remained high between 2014 and 2020. 5,600 farmers died by suicide in 2014, and 5,500 farmers died by suicide in 2020. If the agricultural labourers are added to the 2020 number, the number of suicides rises to over 10,600.

In France and Germany, farmers have been protesting against their stupid governments:

Solidarity with our Maltese farmers, who joined such European protests over policies which are threatening their livelihood. The local media has refused to warn farmers about all of the above, but now yesterday all media portals joined forces, waking up from their eternal conscious sleep, so to report the local farmers’ protest. How disgusting of the media to refuse to warn and educate the public about what lies ahead of them! But then it drools all over of Metsola’s awards, as if we give a hoot! Metsola works for the EU and it is the same EU which, obeying the orders of the puppeteers, is threatening the livelihood of farmers. Where is Metsola now? Farmer Pauline Pisani was right to tell Times of Malta “Have you heard any politicians in Malta and in the EU saying anything in our defence?” No, no one did, and not even the mainstream media. Again, my solidarity to all local farmers.

Another farmer, Karmenu Vassallo has echoed what the Indian farmers are going through, saying, “We’re here because we’re fed up with working for nothing. Our costs have increased but we’re forgotten. Without us, there will be no food on the table”. No, because the future of our food is in the bugs. They want us to eat synthetic meat, insects and bugs. This is a war on your food.

What are farmers protesting for? Times of Malta, nigżitha l-kuxjenza, and felt the duty to inform you that farmers are being threatened by the EU trade deals which will “remove or reduce trade barriers for agricultural products from non-EU countries with laxer regulations. EU farmers say they cannot compete;” the “EU state aid rules that forbid governments from financially helping farmers for things like damage compensation or increased expenses;” “EU rules that reward farmers for leaving fields fallow, to encourage soil fertility. Farmers say this incentives landowners to keep land unproductive;” and finally, the Green Agenda, which incorporates EU policies like the Green Deal, Biodiversity Strategy, the Regulation on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products, the Nature Restoration Law, the new provisions in the Common Agricultural Policy and other legislative proposals. where the EU wants “to make farming more environmentally friendly but which farmers say are being introduced too quickly and without the necessary support to ensure farm production is not impacted.

I remind you that these are communist contracts and deals, signed behind the back of the people, by an EU whose parliament exists solely to promote left-wing politics. These contracts are of a threat to our national and social security. Shame on our MEPs that have honoured these contracts! You have turned into an enemy of your own farmers!

Shame on our politicians who did not warn or do anything, but who suddenly yesterday started coming out like mice out of a hole, showing solidarity with farmers. A case in point is Peter Agius. Don’t they realize that they are too late? Wasn’t the PN the successful champion in the propaganda to show to the Maltese nation how being a member state of the EU would turn out beneficial for it? Dear all politicians, and MEPs – do us a favour and resign because you are not fit for purpose.

Dear Maltese readers, let us support local farmers and buy local.

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