Will the clients who paid to rape children on Jeffrey Epstein’s island be arrested, charged and convicted?

Following a federal judge’s December ruling that the the information be unsealed, “documents that include the names of more than 100 people connected to Jeffrey Epstein, including business associates and accusers, among others, have now been made public.”

“More than 900 pages of mostly unredacted documents were released Wednesday, Jan. 3. A second batch of documents was released Thursday, Jan. 4, and a third batch the day after that.”

A large portion of the data has already been publicized, and many of the people whose names are listed are not charged with any crimes.

The names were expected to include some that also showed up on the flight logs of Epstein’s private jet, known as the “Lolita Express,” which he frequently used to travel to his Caribbean private island. The court documents that were previously sealed have not been made public. His private calendar and other documents, including those manifests, had previously been made public as a result of court cases or requests for public records. Numerous individuals who were in business or social circles with the convicted sex offender Epstein have refuted any wrongdoing or participation in his operations.

Among the names that came up are those of Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton. I am not going to go through this whole list, as various media portals are tackling this. I have instead inserted some references at the end of the article, which the readers might find useful.

Hillary Clinton’s name also appeared in Epstein papers, while it is being suggested that her and Bill’s foundation may have financed Ghislaine Maxwell, the British socialite and girlfriend of Epstein, who was found guilty of sex trafficking and luring the girls to be abused by Epstein.

The thing is that these names have been coming up and being mentioned for a long time now, and yet, nothing has happened, and so far, nothing is happening. It was back in 2020 when Prince Andrew was exposed alongside the same Epstein for having sex with underage children. Prince Andrew has now been officially named in these newly released documents. This site has touched on this subject already in this blog. This site has also published a series of articles about Bill and Hillary Clinton and the elite paedophile ring.

And yet, as always, everyone associated with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell is shielded. Where is the accountability? Where is the accountability for everyone else on the list?

So, the guy who owned ‘Orgy Island’ was arrested and convicted. The woman who brought the girls to the same island was also arrested and convicted. But the clients who paid to rape the children on the same island were not arrested.

When will they be?

What worries me is that everything is always known, and due to this, the Epstein drop is irrelevant, as no action will be taken. Innocent children, including infants and toddlers, are permitted to suffer atrocities at the hands of monsters, who then live their lives according to their own desires.

Up until today, not one person has been charged.




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