The British Royal Family, Prince Andrew and the convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein of ‘Orgy Island’

Something else which raised eyebrows was the close friendship with Prince Andrew and convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein of the ‘Orgy Island’.

Epstein had several young women as sex slaves hiring them to his Elite friends such as Prince Andrew. The British royal family has always denied the allegations.

Yet, in the below photo, one can see Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell pictured at Queen Elizabeth II’s log cabin. This photograph was shown to jurors at Maxwell’s sex trafficking trial in New York on December 8. So, isn’t the allegation that the couple were friends with the queen’s son, Prince Andrew, true?

Now here is another photo, of Queen Elizabeth II sitting with a friend at a Balmoral log cabin. Isn’t it the same log cabin of above, which was also visited by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell on a separate occasion?

It was reported that Epstein committed suicide in his prison cell on 10th August 2019. At least, this is the official narrative. Too many things about his death did not add up. Did he truly commit suicide? Or was he killed? Or didn’t he die at all and is living freely, somewhere?

I will tackle Jeffrey Epstein in another series but will all those who visited his ‘Orgy Island’ be prosecuted one day? Will everyone who visited this island be indicted, sooner or later? Dear readers, think of big names: Prince Andrew, Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, James Alefantis, Marina Abramovitc, Tony Blair, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos (of Amazon), Eric Schmidt (of Google), Bill Gates, Evelyn and Lynn de Rothschild, and many, many more, including Hollywood stars.

Will the world witness mass arrests?

And anyway, isn’t it strange that notorious paedophile Jimmy Savile hang around the British royal family and now it seems that the same family also knew another convicted paedophile, Jeffrey Epstein?

Are there dark secrets within the British royal family too?

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