Robert Abela – talk about sustainable salaries for teachers when the Big Labour Boys and their circle start getting a sustainable one themselves!

Following MUT’s declaration of a trade dispute to the government on the sectoral agreement negotiations of the financial package, the MUT has issued the first set of directives effective from Monday 13th November. The MUT is also ordering a one-day strike for educators in State and Church Schools on Monday 27th November. Industrial actions are applicable to the following grades (supply or regular) in State and Church Schools: KGEs, EOs, HODs, Teachers, LSEs, AHs, HOS, Trainers, MAV Centre Administrators, LSC Coordinators and Technicians grades.

At long last, there is an industrial action! The MUT has woken up and decided to turn into a vessel that makes the most noise. Let’s hope that it has the balls to stick to its guns and does not back down. Let’s hope that there aren’t the usual deals that happen whenever educators are given a new financial package—that of having more responsibilities and changes thrown on them. It’s as if ‘You owe us more for giving you a better salary’ deal. Educators are to follow such directives and do as little as possible, so hopefully the system is paralyzed while exasperation brings about the collapse. The educational system has long been under attack, and educators have suffered for long because of this. It is time for educators to stand in unity, follow the directives, stand up to be counted, and show their anger.

But here come the Big Boys in Parliament, to tell us that the package offered to teachers must be sustainable. Say what!?

In his address to yet another political puppet show and activity on Sunday 12th November, Prime Minister Robert Abela said that a raise in educators’ salaries must not only be ‘substantial’ but also ‘sustainable’ and ‘responsible’.” “However, they must also be responsible and sustainable. Ultimately we are administrating public funds so we must be responsible to the country. It is with this spirit of responsibility and sustainability that negotiations with the Malta Union of Teachers must continue.” Please pinch me and tell me that this is just a joke.

Because now the buzz word ‘sustainable’ is being used across the board. Everything you do under totalitarian control must be sustainable so that you adhere to the agenda of the New World Order and thus, even your salary must be sustainable. Ħalluna naqra! Għamiltu lin-nies skjavi u robotoċi, il-psataż tagħkom! Spiċċajna ngħaqdu u ngħerqu f’inġustizzji qalb il-korruzzjoni u lussu li ma tistħux tisirqu minn fuq in-nies! Il-ħnieżer jitħanżru, u l-faxxa tal-poplu bieżla u ħabrieka miskina tibqa’ biċ-ċejċa!

Say what!? Just like the 400 million that the Maltese nation was stolen from the Steward/Vitals Hospital Deal?

Just like the ‘kulħadd jitħanżer ‘ modus operandi among the Labour politicians and their friends together with the friends of friends? Just like the two salaries that PBS Chairman Mark Sammut is enjoying?

Just like the Chris Fearne, Carmen Sammut and the same Mark Sammut saga?

Just like the big annual salaries that some in Fearne’s ministry get?

Just like the huge, uncapped salaries that some government agencies get?

Robert Abela, are you saying that the above are sustainable and responsible, but anything outside of what power can give to the Big Boys is not? Does the coffer only hold enough cash for your salaries, dear Big Boys (and your chosen girls, friends, and friends of friends)?

Are you aware that the starting salary of a teacher in Malta is €22,603 per year, without allowances? Isn’t this shameful, considering educators are university graduates and professionals, the backbone of society? Anyone can earn this salary nowadays, even without getting a degree! Please note that allowances are not taken into consideration by banks, so loans are calculated based on salary. Are you aware that it takes twenty years for an educator to get to the highest scale because there are a number of years in which one gets stuck between one scale and the next?

Shame on you, for remaining unperturbed at such low salaries that are offered to educators, whose salaries are pegged with those of the civil service, without any hope of receiving a good increase as they deserve!

Shame on you for remaining unperturbed that you have turned educators into unprofessional, unneeded midgets because their authoritarian role has been completely tampered with! Ask any educator what happens when they try to warn a child! You will see the razza u r-radika at the school’s entrance, lest their child is disciplined! Jaħasra, these princes and princesses, or kings and queens of their father and mother. How dare you, dear educator, try to discipline a child! Leave the kids alone, dear teacher, because society and the Labour Party just see you as another brick in the wall.

Shame on you for remaining unperturbed about how society in general views educators – the people who have a field day with holidays and short working hours, which is highly disrespectful!

Shame on you for remaining unperturbed about the fact that today classrooms contain many students with challenging behaviours but instead of shifting the responsibility on the students and their parents, the responsibility has been shifted on the educators. And thus they come with the order that it is up to the educators to get the attention and respect of these children. It is the educators who must get these children interested, even when they suffer from bibliophobia. What utter bullshit! And where is the accountability of those who are truly causing the problem – that is, homes? Education starts at home but peaceful homes have been destroyed thanks to the destruction and desacralization of marriages, together with other problems which liberal and woke agendas have brought on the nation’s plate!

Stop pulling the legs of educators and workers in general when it comes to increasing their salary because they are not to blame for your squandering of money, dear Labour Government! Dear Labour Big Boys, start by leading by example first, because at this rate there will come THE DAY when a huge revolution awaits you and the Maltese nation won’t let any of you browbeat it!

Dear Maltese nation, you need to understand that according to the Big Boys in politics, all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others! Dear Maltese educators, this is your time to be counted because only with the right education can a nation be rebuilt, and the first lesson to be taught and learned is: ‘Never trust your government.’

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