How Chris Fearne’s name is always showing up in administrative corrupt deals.

I published a story yesterday about Chris Fearne who allegedly bought a residence costing millions for his daughter. The residence that is being mentioned is Palazzo Promontorio. I am still waiting for Dr. Fearne’s reaction. This site was informed that Palazzo Promontorio is still owned by its original owner and was never sold to Fearne or his daughter. Therefore why did Fearne not deny such a story? It would have been easy to deny it. Is it the case that a villa has been purchased somewhere else or is being built for his daughter and this is why Fearne does not want to react to this story? I would not be surprised by any answer considering the list of administration scandals reported by the media in which Fearne’s name always comes up.

Back in 2018 we read that his eldest daughter Dawn Fearne 26 at the time an architect and civil engineer was going to be paid €20 000 a year following a direct order after she “was given a direct appointment to provide architectural services to the government’s Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation (GHRC). When asked how Ms Fearne was identified for the position and what her specific assignment is Labour MP Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi the GHRC chairman had said that “Mr Fearne’s daughter was engaged ‘to render architectural and civil engineering works to GHRC.’”
Then we got another story. This time it was on 12th January of 2022 when The Shift had reported that Fearne had put “one of his main personal campaign managers Carmen Ciantar on a public contract worth €163 000 a year. Ciantar’s contract as the CEO of the Foundation for Medical Services (FMS) which falls under Fearne’s remit as health minister is the latest in a series of administrative scandals hitting the government.” Fearne had stated that this contract had followed procedures albeit this appointment had been flagged by the NAO as “irregular” considering the fact that she was chosen for a role despite being his campaign manager. Fearne had also dismissed claims that “Ciantar serves as his chief of staff despite her name still being listed on the minister’s official government page as serving in that role”.

A few days later and we get another story. On 26th January 2022 we get another report by The Shift which stated that Chris Fearne had “appointed the daughter of Carmen Ciantar his chief of staff who he also appointed Head of the Foundation for Medical Services to sit on a very sensitive ministry board deciding on which patients get medical treatment abroad. Celine Camilleri Ciantar 26 is now serving on a committee of medical experts known as the Treatment Abroad Committee. The appointment was made by Fearne who is also health minister despite the fact that Ciantar’s daughter graduated as a dentist less than two years ago.”

A few days later exactly on 11th February 2022 and the Shift News again reported that Fearne’s son Julian Fearne a 28-year-old was “put on a government financial package of around €40 000 a year even though he only graduated in 2017. Sources at the Malta Medicines Authority (MMA) the government’s regulator on pharmaceutical products told The Shift that after being recruited as a senior pharmacist almost as soon as he finished his studies at the University of Malta the health minister’s son was given accelerated promotion to become a Head at the regulator barely two years from his original recruitment.”

These headlines were not enough. It was in later that year in September 2022 where the Shift News again reported that “Chris Fearne has put his new personal adviser a 28-year-old lawyer on a €65 000 financial package despite her lack of experience in government administration according to information obtained through a Freedom of Information request.” This time it was the turn of Paula Cauchi a recent graduate and a former Labour TV reporter appointed as his chief adviser and political strategist. “Information sought through a Freedom of Information request shows how Cauchi has made annual strides forward in her publicly-funded remuneration since she started associating herself with Minister Fearne.”

Then we got the VGH corrupt deal and then we get the publishing of the NAO report where “the auditor general noted what it described as ‘unfortunate parallels’ between the government’s incoherence in the way it granted the original concession to Vitals to the way it then handled the transfer of the contract to Steward. One of the key failures repeatedly highlighted by the Auditor General was the way Health Minister Chris Fearne was essentally left out of negotiations with Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi taking the lead instead.”

And just as Chris Fearne was feeling blissfully blessed that his name was removed from the VGH deal we get the bombshell news from The Daily Pakistan reporting that Ciantar had “received several payments totalling €443 500 from Gozo International Medicare Ltd between October 2015 and February 2016 ” claiming “that the information came from leaked banking documents which indicated there were at least 15 invoices submitted to Gozo International Medicare by Ciantar.” According to this media portal Ciantar has received a bribe. She has now tendered her “suspension” from the post of CEO at the Foundation for Medical Services whose suspension has been accepted by Fearne since the Health Ministry “said that this was the first time that Minister Fearne became aware of such allegations.”  The pseudo-pandemic must have worn Fearne out.

Dr Fearne by any chance is there any vacancy at Palazzo Castellania? I was thinking maybe I can apply to proof-read the Covid-19 hospital protocol and the Covid-19 vaccines procurement contract. Or maybe you have information about the ingredients of the Covid-19 vaccines which I can study and give you their analysis for a press conference.

Dr Fearne up till this day you have not yet confirmed what I asked you in two past blogs:

For Chris Fearne and the limited few, working at Palazzo Castellania comes with a lot of financial perks. How much they are NET Worth?

In lieu of Justin Trudeau’s net worth growth, Dr Fearne has not yet verified if his published net worth growth is true or not.

Dr Fearne if the National Audit Report cleared your name from the VGH deal how do you explain the fact that Carmen Ciantar has allegedly received thousands in payments from a company linked to Vitals Global Healthcare? Mark Pawley the former director of Gozo International Medicare the company linked to these alleged bribery payments has denied knowing her and recalling that he has ever met her. With whom did he meet?
Dr Fearne you not only have not declared to the nation how much is your net worth growth considering that in two years you have turned into a salesman of a pseudo-pandemic and its experimental lethal covid vaccines but can you explain to us how come your name is always coming up in all these administrative corrupt scandals which always revolve around the limited few working at Palazzo Castellania and your children?

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