The Illuminati – historical origins and the movement

This site has often referred to the Elite, the Globalists, the Ruling Families, the Illuminati, and Freemasons. This topic was already touched upon in a past blog.

We have also contemplated why we have freemasonry and illuminati symbols in cartoons:

As with this blog and future ones, this site will tackle more of the above in more detail. Pardon the length of the various topics, but there is a lot of information and knowledge that this site deems should be shared with the public. As always, I humbly advise you to do your own research and to look for evidence and references. At this unique, unprecedented moment in history, we need to imagine ourselves lying down in front of a big puzzle stretched in front of us. At the moment, we are slowly laying out one piece at a time to fit into the big picture. And while we do so, at times we realise that one piece is not the right one, so we have to remove it and put it on the side until it finally fits. Other times, there is a piece that we thought had fitted well, but then we realize that we need to replace it with one that does.

In an abundance of lies, cover-ups, and half-truths from the media, this is how to uncover the truth. Although it’s not an easy task, we can complete it if we are willing and have a certain amount of patience. If you approach it with an open mind, I think you will find enough information on this website to understand what is happening and who is in charge.

The Illuminati is the name of a number of organizations, both modern and historical, real and fictitious, verified and alleged. Most commonly, however, the Illuminati refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, the world’s least secret society, as described below. The term is most commonly used to refer to an alleged shadowy conspiratorial organization that controls world affairs behind the scenes, usually a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. The term “Illuminati” is sometimes used interchangeably with “New World Order.”

The origins: Because Illuminati literally means “enlightened ones” in Latin, it is not surprising that several unrelated historical groups have claimed to be Illuminati. This was frequently due to claims of possessing gnostic texts or other arcane information not widely available. The term illuminati was also used by the Brethren of the Free Spirit in the 14th century and in the 15th century by other enthusiasts who claimed that the illuminating light came not from an authoritative but secret source but from within, as the result of exalted consciousness, or “enlightenment.”

Spain’s Alumbrados: The alumbrados of Spain are members of the former class. The historian Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo discovered the name as early as 1492 (in the form iluminados, 1498), but traced it back to the 16th century. Spain’s Alumbrados. The alumbrados of Spain are members of the former class. The historian Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo discovered the name as early as 1492 (in the form iluminados, 1498), but traced it to a Gnostic origin and believed their views were promoted in Spain through Italian influences. One of their earliest leaders, a laborer’s daughter known as La Beata de Piedrahita, was born in Salamanca and came under the Inquisition’s notice in 1511 for claiming to have colloquies with Jesus and the Virgin Mary; some high patronage saved her from a rigorous denunciation. Menéndez Pelayo, Los Heterodoxos Espaoles, vol. V, 1881. While studying at Salamanca in 1527, Ignatius Loyola (founder of the Jesuit Order) was brought before an ecclesiastical commission on a charge of sympathy with the alumbrados (Spanish Illuminatis), but escaped with an admonition.

Illuminés Of France: The movement (known as the Illuminés) appears to have arrived in France from Seville in 1623, and gained a following in Picardy when it was joined (1634) by Pierce Guerin, curé of Saint-Georges de Roye, whose followers, known as the Gurinets, were suppressed in 1635. A century later, another, more obscure body of Illumines appeared in the south of France in 1722, and appears to have persisted until 1794, with affinities with those known in Britain at the time as ‘French Prophets,’ an offshoot of the Camisards.

Rosicrucians: The Rosicrucians, who claimed to have originated in 1407 but rose to prominence in 1614 with the publication of their main text Fama Fraternitatis; a secret society that claimed to combine the possession of esoteric religious principles with the mysteries of alchemy. Their views are expressed in three anonymous treatises written in 1614 (mentioned in Richard and Giraud’s Dictionnaire universel des sciences ecclésiastiques, Paris 1825), as well as the Confessio Fraternitatis written in 1615. Rosicrucians claimed ancestry from the Knights Templar as well.

Martinists: Later, the Illuminati label was applied to the French Martinists, founded in 1754 by Martinez Pasqualis, and their imitators, the Russian Martinists, led around 1790 by Professor Schwartz of Moscow; both were occultist cabalists and allegorists who absorbed eclectic ideas from Jakob Boehme and Emanuel Swedenborg.

The Bavarian Illuminati: On May 1, 1776, Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830), the first lay professor of canon law, founded the most radical offshoot of The Enlightenment, whose adherents were given the name Illuminati (but who called themselves “Perfectibilists”). The Illuminati Order, Order of the Illuminati, and Bavarian Illuminati are other names for the group. Such an organization did not last long in the conservative state of Bavaria, where the progressive and enlightened elector Maximilian III Joseph von Wittelsbach was succeeded (1777) by his conservative heir Karl Theodor, and which was dominated by the Roman Catholic Church and the aristocracy. The Bavarian government outlawed all secret societies, including the Illuminati and Freemasons, in 1784. The Illuminati’s structure soon collapsed, but while it was active, many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians considered themselves members. Its members were allegedly drawn primarily from Masons and former Masons, and while some Masons were known to be members, no evidence suggests that it was supported by Freemasons. The members pledged obedience to their superiors and were divided into three main classes: the first, known as the Nursery, included the ascending degrees or offices of Preparation, Novice, Minerval, and Illuminatus Minor; the second, known as Masonry, included the ascending degrees of Illuminatus Major and Illuminatus dirigens, the latter also known as Scotch Knight; the third degree, known as the Mysteries, was divided into the Lesser Mysteries (Presbyter and Regent) and the Greater Mysteries (Magus and Rex). In 1780, relations with Masonic lodges were established in Munich and Freising. The order had branches in almost every country on the European continent, with 3,000-4,000 members over a ten-year period. The scheme drew literary figures such as Goethe and Herder, as well as the reigning dukes of Gotha and Weimar. Internal strife preceded its demise, which was brought about by a Bavarian government edict in 1785.

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