The Heresies of Pope Francis (7) – the award to a pro-abortion activist

Pope Francis not only does not condemn abortion supporters, but he even gave a medal of honour to one of the most notorious pro-abortion activists in the world.

It was in 2017 when pope Francis awarded pro-abortion activist Lilianne Ploumen a medal of honour in the Order of St. Gregory the Great.

Although Ploumen is the daughter of a Catholic, she started the organization ‘She Decides’ to counter former president Donald Trump’s executive order that stopped U.S. funds from being used for abortion outside the U.S.

She is reported to have stated in the Financial Times that “America’s regressive policies on abortion are a calamity for girls’ and women’s rights that the rest of the world must counter.”

Within 6 months, over 300 million $ was collected for organization “She Decides”.

According to the Lepanto Institute, Ploumen implied that the Vatican had given her the award as a personal prize and that she believed that the Vatican was aware of her work for the organization “She Decides,” and she thus regards it as a confirmation of her work.

Ploumen is reported stating to the BRN Newsradio “The Vatican probably knows that I started ‘She Decides’ and they gave me this prize—very special.”

Ploumen is also pro-LGBT. At the UN LGBT Core Group in 2017, she said, “LGBT rights are human rights…We cannot be complacent. [Today] in more than 70 countries homosexuality is still criminalized….

Abortion is the killing of the innocent, condemned in the Holy Scriptures, which explicitly say:

“Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee. (Jeremias 1:5)

You do not need to be an intellectual or whatever to debate when does life start. We were alive in our mother’s wombs. Had we been killed in our mothers’ wombs, we all wouldn’t be here today.

Abortion is murder and a mortal sin. Yet Pope Francis decided to award a pro-abortion activist with a medal.

Is Pope Francis the pope that the Masons wanted: a pope who would be sympathetic to humanitarian principles of liberty, equality, fraternity and human dignity at the expense of Truth and at the expense of not honouring Christ?

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