When the Vatican’s chief exorcist said that the devil resides in the Vatican

We have read how in his very informative and knowledgeable speech, former Freemason John Salza had explained how in one of the apparitions to Sister Mariana de Jesus Torres in 1582, Sister Mariana had saw Jesus Christ suffering His passion on the cross and the church with smoke entering and enveloping the church, which reminds us of Paul VI’s statement that the smoke of Satan has entered the church. In his speech, John Salza had also remarked how paedophile and sodomy cases which plagued the Church through cardinals and other members of the clergy, aided to bring about a crisis in the Church.

It was back in 2010, when the Vatican’s chief exorcist for twenty five years, Rev. Gabriel Amorth made the statement that the devil resides in the Vatican. Having treated over 70,000 cases of demonic possession, he stated:

“The devil is not everywhere. “But when he is present it is painful.”

“The devil is pure spirit, invincible. He is shown with the painful blasphemies coming from the person which he possesses. He can stay hidden. He can speaks different languages. He can transform himself.”

During exorcism, it can take six or seven of the Rev. Amorth’s assistants to hold down the possessed. He stated that often they choke up nails or shards of glass and during the sessions, some vomited metal the size of a human finger while others have vomited rose petals.”

Touching a small puch where he held the vomited artifacts, he stated: “None of this scares me. I know that God is using me for this work.”

Rev. Amorth moved “offices more than 23 times after fellow priests complained of the screams from his office at all hours of the day and night”, since “slamming doors, overturning chairs, rolling eyes and vomiting are part of the exorcist’s daily routine.”

“But even the fearless priest becomes still, his voice grave when asked whether the devil can strike inside the Vatican City.”

“He has tried already. He did it in 1981 by attacking John Paul II by working with those who armed Ali Agca. And also now with the attack on Christmas Eve night when the crazy woman pushed down Benedict XVI.”

[I would also add the so-called alleged death of Pope John Paul I, which still raises questions as to whether he was murdered or not.]

With a serious facial expression, he confessed “The devil resides in the Vatican.”

“While admitting that it is hard to prove, he says the consequences of the devil’s work are evident: Cardinals who don’t believe in Jesus, bishops who are linked with the devil. As early 1972 Pope Paul VI talked about the “smoke of Satan” that hovered in the Vatican, but it is more recent events like the pedophilia scandal the church is confronted with and the grisly murder by a Swiss guard of his commander and wife that Amorth uses as evidence of the devil’s presence.”

To the question that one still finds skeptics and resistants in the Church to exorcism, Rev. Amorth said that bishops who don’t appoint exorcists are committing a mortal sin.

He added that “More than 90 percent of the cases of people who are possessed come from spells. People with anger or vendettas seek out magicians to cast spells and they are paid handsomely.”

“The fact that the devil has penetrated the halls of the Vatican should make the most reverent of Catholics shudder. Not so according to Amorth and his colleagues. Their work is to protect you.”

“The principle responsibility of the exorcist is to free man from the fear of the devil.”

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