The wildfires in Lahaina, Maui – questions this site poses to the readers – part one

The wildfires that have destroyed the beautiful town of Lahaina, in the western Maui, have marked the deadliest US wildfires in more than 100 years. So far, “114 people have died” and “more than 1,000 people remain missing.” Some managed to escape to safety by jumping into the sea.

The Lahaina wildfire was one of the four blazes that broke out on 8th August, scorching a combined 5.7 square miles.

“With nearly 3,000 homes and businesses destroyed or damaged, losses are estimated to be $6 billion, state officials said.”

Here is a footage of this devastating tragedy:

“On top of the widespread destruction and devastating loss of life, the wildfires are taking an incalculable emotional toll on many residents of a tight-knit island community who now face a hard choice: Move and start over elsewhere. Or stay and rebuild from scratch.”

The cause of these ‘wildfires’ has not been officially determined and an investigation is under way. “Investigators are looking into whether downed power lines and decisions by Hawaiian Electric, the state’s primary power company, played a role.”

CBS news also reported that “Much of Hawaii was under a red flag warning for fire risk when the wildfires broke out, with dangerous high wind conditions caused by Hurricane Dora, a Category 4 storm that was moving across the Pacific Ocean hundreds of miles south of the Hawaiian islands.”

Needless to say, Government Green said that “he believes a confluence of weather conditions contributed to the ignition and spread of the blazes.” He told CNN that “It is a product, in my estimation, of certainly global warming combined with drought, combined with a super storm, where we had a hurricane offshore several hundred miles, still generating large winds.”

What better cause to give than the alleged climate change?

In this first piece, my question to the readers is: how can you explain the fact that only the houses and cars burnt but with surrounding trees remaining intact as the below CA footage shows?

According to experts it is normal for utility poles and trees to remain standing, even as wildfires destroy other structures in the area. Experts say that wilfires spread by flying embers, which can blow past trees and poles, but larger structures allow for the accumulation of these embers, making them more vulnerable. So, according to experts, trees and utility poles are less likely to be consumed by flames because heat can escape to the atmosphere near them.



♬ original sound – Truth Will Prevail 🤴

But, if we have a look at the current wildfire which is affecting the area of North Shuswap, British Columbia, trees do burn:


Glowing ground, burning trees seen on the way out of North Shuswap, B.C. Video submitted by Phyllis Sivecki shows the effects of one of the ongoing wildfires burning across British Columbia. To get the most recent updates on wildfires visit our website at #wildfire #wildfires #bc #bcwildfire #shuswap #okanagan #okanaganfire #cbc #cbcnews

♬ original sound – CBC Vancouver

I let the readers analyse, decide and reach their conclusions in this series, with various debatable topics being brought up in each piece.

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