The Global Leadership Foundation from which Lawrence Gonzi puppeteers Robert Abela

“Helping leaders govern” is the common caption that one can see on looking into the website of the Global Leadership Foundation.

There is nothing to see here except that this yet another GLOBAL foundation is yet another organization set up by the Illuminati Cult in which they always put their puppets so that they make sure that their agendas’ tentacles twist and turn in any direction where the prey is. Here is a list of the wealthiest foundations in the world, including that of the Melinda & Bill Gates. In this Global Leadership Foundation, the puppets are none other than formal Presidents, Prime Ministers, senior government ministers and other distinguished leaders. These Globalists’ puppets have here been given the role of Junior Puppeteers, considering that their job is to give confidential and discreet advice to current leaders. The website adds that these former leaders are “drawn together by a desire to give something back to the world.” “Working in small teams, in their personal capacity, members offer private and confidential advice to Heads of Government.”

In the Globalists’ doublespeak, this is transcribed to: Former leaders are put together drawn by a desire to screw the world while they remain attached to the political seat of power through this foundation so that they put pressure on leaders by the letters they sign, like for example the open letter that Dr. Lawrence Gonzi has signed, a letter which encourages governments to accept the diabolical WHO pandemic treaty. In a nutshell, Gonzi, in lockstep with the Globalists’ agendas, puts pressure on Robert Abela to accept this treaty. Now you might say, but Robert Abela might refuse. He might but he won’t because he is spineless and a coward.

Lawrence Gonzi at the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, which was held in Malta in September 2012

Here is what I also wrote in another piece:

“The Global Leadership Foundation is yet another screwing not-for-profit foundation, and “is independent of any government or corporate interest” with the stated mission of “a desire to give something back to the world.” In the surreal reality of politics, perhaps. In our dreams, perhaps. Even the World Economic Forum claims that its mission is to the improve the state of the world. Speaking of the WEF, it is based in Cologny, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. One of the headquarters of the United Nations also happened to be in Geneva, Switzerland. Going back to the WEF, we know that its annual meeting at the end of January occurs in Davos, Switzerland. By pure coincidence, the Global Leadership Foundation of which Gonzi is a member happened to be registered in Switzerland”. Switzerland already belongs to the Illuminati.

This foundation “has two associate foundations, one in the UK and the other in the USA” and “all three foundations are supported by the London-based GLF Secretariat.” What a clever network! Nothing to see here. The UK and America are the two main hubs of the Illuminati cult.

This foundation claims to be a not-for-profit foundation, and is independent of any government or corporate interest. Really? How can it be independent when it is puppeteering agendas onto governments? How can it be independent of any corporate interest when on its own website, it states: “Costs are met through donations from private individuals, corporations and other foundations.” Who are these donors? What payment is Gonzi receiving? Is there a salary?  Please note that “Project Costs such as international travel and in-country accommodation are sought from host governments.” Tajba din! So Gonzi is being catered for whenever he is travelling for a “project” through our taxes! But, “where this proves difficult, funding is sought from an appropriate grant-giving agency.” What agencies? Any names? Oh it does give us a clue. Read here:

While GLF vouches that it limits the size of donations from any source [Hahaha] “and GLF exercises careful judgement that it is not in receipt of funds from any source likely to be considered damaging to its reputation for probity” [Hahaha], GLF urges:

“donors are invited to join GLF’s International Council, a community of supporters comprising business leaders and philanthropists who are invited to events and functions, including the GLF Annual Meeting.”

Nothing to see here. This is just another screwing foundation like the World Economic Forum. It is being funded by corporate businesses and philanthropy which as I had explained in a past piece, philanthropy is used by the Elite to shape their public image; a potent tool used by the Elite and by selected [not elected!] powerful people TO INFLUENCE WORLDWIDE AFFAIRS. Furthermore, money given to foundations is given away in order to generate profit while deducting those donations from their taxes. Here is a list of the world’s 100 largest “philanthropic” foundations list, which also includes the Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation. Jaħasra. They all do charity and they love humanity so much, that they come together to give something back to the world.

And Lawrenze Gonzi is all part of this. What a double faced politician with his arrogant shrugs and posture. From a political puppet turned into a Junior Puppeteer in the hierarchy of puppeteers so that he exerts his influence and power given by this Globalists’ foundation on the Maltese government, in our case, that is, the political puppet Robert Abela.

Doublespeak: Putting pressure on puppet spineless leaders to comply – “To bring about the agendas, requires a vision of a totalitarian future.”
Doublespeak: Putting pressure on puppet spineless leaders to comply – “Every political puppet in leadership must do what we sign and agree to in lockstep with the Globalists’ agendas”
Doublespeak: Putting pressure on puppet spineless leaders to comply – “Change happens – the choice is whether to bring it about by force or none at all”
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