The Cultural Leftist Marxist ‘The Kollettiv’ takes up ideas from Imperium Europa’s Terrence Portelli to promote political education!

Samuel Vella, the deputy secretary general of ADPD and co-chairperson of Kollettiv Żgħażagħ EkoXellugin (ADPD youth wing), contributed on Times of Malta with an article titled “Educating the politically illiterate,” urging Malta’s people to become better politically educated.

To start with, we must start by addressing public schooling, which definitely needs a radical change, considering that it is a schooling system that is designed to turn us into usable instruments of the economy. We are not taught anything that really matters in schools and 90% of the stuff we learn in schools, is stuff that we never really need in life.

If you want to get indoctrinated, dumbed down and close minded, go to school. If you want to actually learn something that matters start reading good and challenging books of every existent topic. But if you want to get shoved down your throats the agendas of the Left, i.e. the xellugin, like the Kollettiv, make sure you have your sleepy brain seated at eight in the morning with a sleepy arse camouflaged in a yawning mouth. The Kollettiv represents the masses, as its name implies, so in no way does the ulterior motivation behind this article of Samuel of the Cultural Leftist Marxist il-Kollettiv, is truly one of bringing about a positive change.

Anyway. Cultural Marxist and Leftist Samuel Vella wrote on the importance of having a politically literate future and the way of achieving this is by colluding with academia like MATSEC, to prioritise the future of Maltese politics. Is he joking or is he just a naive university student whose sleepy brain hasn’t woken up yet from the strainer of indoctrination from which he is still being funneled? Academia and relevant institutions are in cahoots with the government and the globalists’ agenda – which means, that this “education” is being carried out in a partisan manner!

Cultural Marxist and Leftist Samuel Vella, a student of politics and governance at the Tal-Qroqq ‘cradle of wisdom,’ parrots a topic that Imperium Europa’s Terrence Portelli, who likewise comes from a background of philosophy of politics and economics [the political economy] spoke about!

Portelli had also spoken about educating the people politically, while insisting that a radical change will only be brought about with a politically educated public.

But the Cultural Marxist Leftist Times of Malta preferred to give a voice to another Cultural Marxist Leftist candidate rather than that of Terrence Portelli. Not only. We all know how it targeted Portelli to tarnish his reputation and how it twisted what Portelli had stated. Please read here and here. U minn dakinhar lil hawn, xi artikli tat-Times spiċċaw jiġu miktuba minn xi żewġ ġurnalisti li jiġu megħjuna u ċċekkjati mill-assistant editur il-ġdid qabel jiġu ppubblikati. U ħalluna naqra! Imbasta ġurnaliżmu! Ġurnaliżmu tal-esperjenza dan suppost! Ġurnaliżmu tal-ħabba gozz!

Moreover, headlines with ‘far-right’ filled the local tabloids, so to imprint in the masses’ brain the bad connotation that the same tabloids have stuck to this term. ‘Far-left’ is fine for the media, though. Why didn’t TOM name Vella’s article, ‘Far-left Samuel Vella copies Far-right Terrence Portelli about political education.’ Have we ever seen the terms ‘left’ and ‘far-left’ in the headlines of the local tabloids? Ġurnaliżmu tal-ħabba gozz! Ġurnaliżmu partiġġjan u żbilanċjat!

Anyway. To conclude, there’s no denying that the Left are alive and active, but the Left managed to get to power with one clear goal: that of turning into demons who hate humanity and want its destruction. Their philosophy has evil roots – grounded solidly in the capitalist and communist mind in which anyone who is deemed non- profitable and useless for the economy, is attacked; where anyone who opposes them, is attacked through character assassination and the impediment of free speech. Freedom of expression and the freedom to be do not exist under the Left and Cultural Marxists like the Kollettiv.

Since educating the public involves starting from scratch, legitimate improvements in politics and governance systems—which are fundamentally different from governing systems—are required. But don’t worry about it happening. This is a fantasy idea because there is no way that the “educating” would take place impartially and in good faith, particularly since Cultural Marxist Leftists like the Kollettiv would be the first to use the reforms as a means of advancing their belief through Communistic and Marxism enforcement where the oppressed and the oppressor are intertwined; where world views of intersectionality between the Enslaved Servants and their Master, the State, come alive.

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