Times of Malta targets Terrence Portelli, the anti-globalist contestant for the MEP elections

Times of Malta has targeted an anti-globalist contestant for the MEP elections. I am talking about Terrence Portelli who is contesting for the MEP elections under the party of Imperium Ewropa.

This should not come as a surprise because we all knew long ago that Times of Malta has a not so secret masonic agenda. And the more it attacks such contestants, the more those who are in the knowledge will support them. It did not come as a surprise for me either and this was the reason why I gave them some space in this site – I knew they will be either ignored or massacred by the media. I believe and still hope in a democracy.

In its article with its dirty headline: ‘We will round you up’: far-right MEP candidate’s threat to political ‘leeches’, Times of Malta twists the facts and twists what Terrence Portelli has actually told them (more of this in another piece), in order to dirty Portelli and throw him in a bad light.

Without fear, regrets, bluntly and straight to the point, Portelli tells you what the usurpers and liars in the city assemblage do not tell you:

“The reason why they stole our Nation, destroyed our ethnicity, dragging our race to racial extinction, and decimated our identity…. They see us as replaceable to feed their masters economic machines that enslaves the individual. Then they expect us to fight and die to defend them and that which is no longer ours?! Thanks, but no thanks, we will round you up you mot*** fuc*** traitors and we will hand you over to YOUR enemy without the slightest doubts!! (All we want back is what you deprived us of. And we will do the greatest mass act of Arminius in human history! Not even French revolution will come close!) If we are replaceable for you, so are you to us.

‘If you steal the people away from their nationality, then you take away their higher mission on earth, all sense of belonging and meaning, you steal it from them. And, naturally, if the people do not have a sense of meaning and a higher purpose…’- Blair”

For those who are turning themselves more and more into a midget of this dead matrix, besides lacking warrior material, this is hate speech and nonsense. Portelli is not beating around the bush because he is referring to the multiculturalism agenda and hoax and to the globalists who have hijacked and infiltrated all governments. But this is fine for the gang of the far-left, left, liberals, woke, Fabian Socialists, Marxist Communists, EU, UN, WEF and WHO bootlickers – and their right hand, the media.

You might not agree with the ideology of Imperium Ewropa. You might decide not to vote for them. It is how things work in a democracy. But Portelli is full-on anti-globalist and he is right to demand that all those who are ruining humanity, should be brought to justice. No one has ever repented about what they have done historically and what they are still doing to humanity and may I remind you, that the politicians who have destroyed your lives during the pandemic and sold the deadly and experimental covid vaccines, from which your loved ones are dying or being disabled for life, are still in public office!

But the midgets of this dead matrix prefer their doublespeak rather than the blunt speech of Portelli.

And the irony is that the media, which lies in bed with the political parties and their crooks and cronies who have not only betrayed this country, but have turned it into a filthy, corrupt shithole at your expense, accuses Imperium Ewropa of what the media itself hails the same political parties and their crooks and cronies for!

Let us not forget that both the PL in government and the PN agreed on the ‘much-needed changes’ which brought about the eugenics transhumanism abortion. I am referring to the embryo genetic testing. And the media tagged along.

Let us not forget that the media and both parties label you as racists because you understand that multiculturalism is destroying your lives and lifestyle. And the media tagged along.

Let us not forget how the lockdowns and the rules imposed on you ‘for your health and safety’ during the Covid-19 have their traits in Nazism. And the media tagged along.

Let us not forget how the way the non-vaccinated were ostracised during Covid-19 is like the Jews were made to wear a yellow sticker during the Nazi regime. And the media tagged along.

And let us not forget that abortion is in the pipeline and no matter what, it will resurface as another agenda to be fulfilled because what the EU and the UN order, has to be executed by hook and by crook. And the media will again tag along.

And yet, while both parties joined forces when they are needed to push the globalists’ agendas, the media like Times of Malta sees to it so to twist the public’s opinion and modify its behaviour and feelings so to make it tag along these agendas. Once the agendas come into fruition, your blues and reds will point at you because ‘the people have voted and we need to respect the people’s vote’ as the scheming and clever pendulum that they are.

So it is truly ironic that while both blues and reds drink from the same cup and leaving some to taste for the media, Times of Malta and its ilk label Terrence Portelli and Imperium Ewropa as having the same cup.

I repeat what I wrote in a past piece:

“Because our government is one of double standards. It celebrates the Special Olympics; talks about inclusion and the integration of disabled people in schools and workplaces; talks about inclusion of LGBTIQ+ in society; participates in Gay Pride events; imposes the use of pronouns as chosen by LGBTIQ+ students in schools and talks about how much the Maltese population is at his heart while coercing the same nation to take the experimental Covid-19 jabs. Then by default the amendment of IVF law and anything being imposed in such matters is exclusionary of life, love, and freedom.

So we have a government that not only has declared itself a leftist woke party but it has now even declared itself a transhumanist Social Darwinist party which is embracing the master race ideology by excluding people and groups deemed inferior and promoting those deemed superior. This is a government that took on itself the permission to carry out selective breeding through its eugenics legislation making eugenics theories part of the Maltese law while being in lockstep with the propaganda mind.”

After the word ‘government,’ please take a pen and add the PN and the media.

Dear readers, do not let the globalist minions intimidate you.

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