How Times of Malta gave you a half-baked story of what MEP candidate Terrence Portelli truly told them (part two)

Terrence Portelli: “Now, Daniel, another thing. Look at it this way. You know that they’ve legalized the consumption of insects. Have you ever tried checking what’s going on in the nations south politically? South America for example and in the Netherlands, the Dutch? Ukraine for example, what’s happening behind the scenes of war, in the realm of agriculture? They are working tirelessly to create a global food shortage. They try to tell us about the environment and all this when they themselves are the root cause of the degeneration of our environment. They tell us that it’s bad to consume meat etc. They don’t want us to consume it but they eat game. Game, real meat, basically. But they are purchasing huge amounts of agricultural land and animal husbandry and they are destroying it on purpose so we are forced to consume bugs. Because who’s purchasing these lands? Oh, the financial institutionalists. Because who’s going to benefit that we consume bugs? The same people, the same clan. If we go to the green deal and we’re doing literally nothing to protect the environment, but they want us to spend thirty-three fuc*en trillion euros and we don’t know what’s going to lead to. We know that it’s absolutely shit what they are proposing and we see them raping the environment themselves. So, understand the supply chains of how these things work and you’ll realize who is actually controlling us, who actually owns us.

It’s the same thing about this war in Ukraine. They want us to go to war against Russia. Do a social economic analysis of our situation, our society, our economy, etc, and you would realize that our economy is collapsing, collapsing, collapsing. And they want an excuse not to blame their collapsed system on its collapse. So they distract us with war. Our society is not even able to endure conflict, Daniel. So to be a bloody blood bath, they are sending us to a known extinction, you can say. Who’s pushing them promoting multiculturalism when according to national security doctrine, it is brewing an environment for war. Just a security analyst told the politicians that time in the PN government, when they went to sign the Lisbon Treaty. They warned the entire commission that they are brewing an environment for a civil war. But then they come and tell us ‘Oh, because there’s right-wing extremism and all this nonsense. Really and truly, they are perpetual government. They orchestrate such events so they would have an excuse to encourage expenditure on a particular realm. Expenditure, what does that mean? We are in deficit, not in surplus. So that means debt, more debts, and if the island, the continent, is sinking in debts, someone had to give us these debts! So, who owns us? Who owns the debts, your debts, owns you and controls you. And you can see this supply chain, this entire web if people notice it, if they can actually check it out.

Why do you think a cold genocide is being committed on the Maltese people and the European people, and nothing is being said about it? It’s like as if, ‘Ok, feel free to do it.’ And while I’m pissed, really pissed about it, because the police commissioner is qualified in Mediterranean Security and Conflict Resolution Services so he should know very well what multiculturalism leads to. But who’s pushing it? Who’s promoting it? Who owns and controls these NGOs? Trace the money and see where it leads. And that is why the cold genocide is not being addressed and they keep on doing it. Everything is linked Daniel and stop worrying about bloody Robert Abela and Bernard Grech who are puppets. They are not even the solutions. They don’t want the solutions because with the solutions there’s no debts, there’s no destruction of our liberties. With debts, with control, with big governments and voila’ voila’, you’re enslaved. And enslaved to who? And thanks to who? Correct – the Elites.

Now to answer your question of what you basically asked me about who we are going to hand over, it’s up to you to answer the question. Do you want to go to war to fight for a country which is no longer yours, a society that doesn’t even represent you anymore? Your identity is destroyed. So for what you’re going to fight? There’s no will. There’s no motivation. So obviously we are already at a disadvantage because of that. This psychological approach to war is what makes the good chuck of the difference in actual combat. So what do you prefer? Suffering? Losing young lives? Or we hand over the problem to the enemy who is our politicians? Whom does Putin wants? Cause in reality they did nothing for us these politicians. Why should we go and fight? Why should we lose our lives, lose our homes and live in utter destruction just because our politicians decided that the Russians are our enemy. Russia did nothing to me. Russia surely did nothing to you. They tell us that Ukraine is a sovereign country but what the fu*k? Not even us we’re sovereign. We are a colony of America. Why do you think they gave us open borders, free trade zones, the international monetary fund? They were all bondages from post World War Two. So we’ll never ever become super powers again. But then they want to send us for slaughter? So ask this question – do you prefer going to war yourself and what are you going to accomplish? Absolutely nothing. Our society cannot even endure a three-days war, Maltese society to begin with. We would lose the entire continent in a seven-day war. We don’t even produce a bloody 35c bullet within Europe. We need all the outside materials from outside of Europe. So how the hell are you going to go to war? So, which is the safest bet? Just hand over the politicians who created this problem to begin with, and problem solved.

Of course, this will be coupled with our new economic pillar, the global conflict resolution services through Malta’s neutrality, from the Ukrainian and Russian war that generated very easily at least 200 tons of gold. From the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, similarly, if not more, around 250 to 300,000 because in Gaza there’s resources that Israel wants and obviously they’ve agreed that with the European Union to create mass displacement of people into Europe so they can keep Israel for themselves. Through this conflict resolution services we could have generated gold, not fiat currency. Now it’s up to you how you prefer to generate money – selling your identity and whoring yourself out or generating global peace and stability? That’s the question that people need to ask themselves now. And gold by the way is real money, is sound money, and we are going to reintroduce it if we are elected.”

Now let’s go to what Daniel, the Times of Malta journalist, wrote:

In the first part, he said that Portelli had told him that “‘our politicians’ are the enemy and they should be handed over to Putin.” Do you read anything of this said in the above talks by Portelli, which he did via audio clips? Do you understand how the media distorts information? Does information fail to reach and get attached to the media and its journalists’ braincells? What Portelli said is that those that want war with Putin, should be handed over so that we attain peace. Portelli added that Putin is not our enemy but is the enemy of our treacherous politicians and their masters. Consequently, Portelli asked why should we do the dying and suffering on their behalf when it is they who have destroyed everything for us? They have destroyed our nation, our society, and our identity. Thus, Portelli concluded that it is the politicians who are our true enemies and thus, we should trade them to their enemy to get back what was stolen from us.

Then Daniel, the Times of Malta journalist wrote:

Portelli said the elites expect ‘us to fight and die to defend them and that which is no longer ours.

“These politicians did nothing for us, why should we go and fight,” he said referring to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

There are currently no plans by Malta or any EU country to send soldiers to Ukraine.

In subsequent comments to Times of Malta, Portelli went off-tangent.

Financial institutions and others, he said, ‘are purchasing huge swathes of agricultural land and destroying it on purpose, so we are forced to consume bugs’.” 

What do you make dear readers of what Portelli said to how it was given to you by Times of Malta? Do you read that Portelli said that they would massacre anyone who disagreed with them? Didn’t he say that if we go to war, our society is not remotely prepared and it will be a massacre? Didn’t he say that it is the politicians we should hand over, since they are dragging us down via their irresponsible decisions?

Off-tangent? Wasn’t Portelli explaining the web for the Times of Malta journalist which either he failed to understand or which he did not want to understand? Wasn’t he explaining that while they want us to consume bugs, they apply other rules for themselves since they consume game as meat? The consumption of bugs is no conspiracy theory. We have seen how according to the Elite, the World Economic Forum and the European Commission the future of our food is in the bugs.

Daniel the Times of Malta journalist also mentioned that Portelli’s post was accompanied by a far-right propaganda video and a screenshot of a dictionary definition of the word “nation”. The video belongs to a Tik Toker who goes by the name invicta_europa who basically promotes a European culture. Can I ask Julian of Times of Malta what’s wrong with this? Propaganda? So if it was a multiculturalism video, wouldn’t it have been propaganda or not? The video mentioned highlights the sense of belonging that comes with a nation and a homogenous society. It is not a far-right and it is not evil either. I could not find the video in the Tik Toker’s field so I could not upload it in this article but I did watch it when Portelli shared it. Did Julian watch the video and can he judge for himself if it is wrong to want and need a national, social soul or does he prefer to be showered with drugs to be distracted so that he can never see the truth around?

Was there any mention from Daniel of the Times of Malta about what Portelli said that through global conflict resolution, Malta could be sitting on over 400 tons of gold in our reserves which will save lives? Or does TOM prefer a money generation through the whoring of our identity dying for their interests?

Did Julian question if a politician that wants to revive our national and social soul is a threat, when compared to those who are committing a cold genocide on us? Did he make you think with some questions and giving you educational material so you can widen your knowledge and then make up your own conclusions?

U għall-ġieħna, dal-ġurnalisti jitħallsu biex suppost jedukaw u jagħtu l-informazzjoni kollha u l-verita’ lin-nies. Ħalluna bi kwietna!

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