Jo Etienne Abela’s surveillance, Charmaine Gauci’s ‘no need to panic,’ – tune repeats – the first mpox case in Malta for 2024

And just like that, a sentence I wrote in a piece published on 17th August came true:

“Malta must embrace itself for an upcoming article by all local media portals reporting the first case or cases of mpox locally. The solution is mass civil non-compliance.”

And so, it happened. While back on the 19th of August, Times of Malta “came out reporting that no mpox cases have been registered in Malta this year,” while in reality it was already softening up the process for the bombardment of mpox, now the local media has just reported the first mpox case in Malta for 2024. It was bound to happen, no? This is the same tactics which was used for Covid, when suddenly you had cases being reported abroad, and then, just like that, the first case in Malta was reported. The media is so predictable. It has become so much fun knowing how it will behave when you already have a glimpse of the scripted script.

And then we get the usual Public Health Superintendent Charmaine Gauci, repeating what she had said in Covid-19 before she became a lotto draw host on TVM, saying there is no cause for alarm about the spread of the mpox, formerly called monkeypox. “Professor Gauci explained that the mpox was originally found in African countries, and in 2022 it started spreading around the world, including in Malta, where 33 cases had emerged in 2022, while last year two cases emerged. No cases of mpox were reported this year” until we now have this ‘one.’ Mpox comes and goes in intervals it seems. Of course it does. Because it is one of the side-effects of the Covid-19 vaccines. Considering that Malta, like other countries, stockpiled mpox vaccines back in 2022, just a few months after the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines, one cannot not ponder what a hindsight they had to know what is coming next, no?

Gauci added that “from the information eligible so far, mpox can be transmitted mostly by sexual activity and when persons are in very close contact with each other, particularly where there is a lack of hygiene.” Gauci left out some very important information here. That apart that this disease is very painful, especially when the affected has to pass stools, it is transmitted mostly by anal sex through mostly homosexuals and bisexuals, and in cases where couples perform anal sex. The anal canal, [which is made of three layers] is full of toxicity. When penetration is done in the anal canal, it carries a lot of toxins. This is nothing compared to the lie of Dr Fearne when he compared it to ‘chicken pox.’ And this is nothing compared to the lies that Times of Malta gives you about mpox. Please read here to check how TOM describes mpox.

Will this year’s mpox cases be administered the mpox vaccines which have been stockpiled since 2022? Do they come with an expiry date? Or have we had mpox cases all along? Because it is strange how we had Times of Malta back in 2022 reporting that “Monkeypox rate in Malta is one of the highest in Europe” to justify the government’s purchase of these vaccines, then in 2023 we had two cases, and now we are going to suddenly being bombarded with mpox again with just one case, with the WHO already declaring it a global health emergency? Don’t you see it as strange dear readers?

Prof Gauci also added that “Doctors can also confirm whether a case is mpox or not through swab tests carried out where there is an injury or a rash.” Here we go again with more swab tests. And we have, of course, another vaccination program again which the Government has planned through an arrangement with the European Union countries. It is the century of injections.

Prof Gauci also added that the vaccines will be given to those who are at high risk – the vulnerable again – and those who have contact with confirmed cases of mpox. There is no way you can say no, even if you don’t have mpox. You will be contacted and ordered to take the vaccine by the health authorities. The ‘covid tracking’ again. The depopulation continues. Tune repeats.

What happened to the strengthening surveillance systems that the Health Ministry came out boasting about? Didn’t the health authorities say that they were “closely monitoring any potential cases” and had strengthened surveillance systems to detect and respond to suspected cases of mpox? Didn’t it say that ‘people living in or travelling to affected countries, and those in close contact with affected communities were at ‘moderate’ risk of contracting the virus?” while “those travelling to the affected countries without close contact with the local community were considered at low risk?” So how did this first case registered in 2024 come about, if we have to believe that this is the first case? Through the rainbowy ‘love is love’ parade flock, through the African migration we have locally or through the Covid-19 vaccines?

It is strange how this mpox is being given to the public at intervals, first in 2022 with its reappearance again in the news now in 2024. We just have to wait to see how it will develop; whether it will be escalated to a point of scaremongering by the media and the health authorities or whether it will be mellowed down but reported enough to make the masses remember that the century of pandemics and injections is not over yet and they are to remain on the edge as they walk around people, on eggshells.

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