The psychological operation behind Julian Assange – the guy who fooled many (9)

While confined to the Ecuadorian Embassy from 2012 so he could avoid trial, Assange still managed to present his show on Russian state-TV channel RT. Who helped him set it up? None other than Israel Shamir:

Like everything that has to do with Assange, even this show did not make sense. Here is Assange’s introduction to it:

“For 500 days now I’ve been detained without charge.” This means that he must have filmed his RT show from the embassy. And this is what is claimed if you search online. But what is it like at the Embassy? Fidel Narvaez, former consul of Ecuador in London said that “the embassy is one of the two flats in the first floor. So you’re looking at a balcony – the only balcony that the embassy has – which in fact was Julian’s room the last five years. The building is a high building which does not allow for the sunlight to come into the embassy. Julian compared his stay in the embassy to be living in a spaceship because he was subjected to only artificial light.” So, to recap, the embassy is on the first floor, there is only one balcony, the building is surrounded by high buildings so there’s no sunlight, and Assange said it was like living in a space ship because there was no sunlight. This doesn’t sound nice, does it? It really sounds horrible living there.

What about the filming of the show? Assange said it was filmed from inside the embassy:

Does the above place look like a flat surrounded with high buildings with a balcony and no sunlight to you? What about the garden? So, where was it truly filmed? Was it at Vaughan Smith’s mansion?

But didn’t Assange say he could not leave the embassy? But anyway. But these are just ‘minute’ details you know.

What about the show? The show’s name was The World Tomorrow and it lasted twelve episodes. Each week he would interview different guests. He interviewed some hackers. Assange said he is joined by three cypherphunk friends who are Jacob Applebaum, Andy Muller-Maguhn, and Jeremie Zimmerman. Who are they? Well, information about them can be found in his 2016 book “Cypherphunks.”

Jacob Applebaum is a member of the Chaos Computer Club. Andy Muller-Maguhn is a long-time member, former board member and spokesman. Jeremy Zimmerman isn’t officially a member of this club but according to The Independent he did attend “hacking Woodstock” in 2011 which was held at a former Soviet base. Applebaum is Jewish and according to a Rolling Stone Article in 2010, he identifies as a queer, likes to wear “I love Satan” t-shirts and likes to dress as a drag.

In 2015, Applebaum faced accusations of sexual misconduct, including rape. As a result, he was expelled from multiple groups, including Tor and the Chaos Computer Club. The rape claims had reportedly been going about for years, according to the German publication Sueddeutsche.

As for Andy Muller-Maguhn, we learn by a reporting of the German newspaper Computerwoche that he belonged to the Chaos Computer Club since 1986. Furthermore, according to a 2018 Washington Post interview, he first got to know Assange in the 1980s as he was walking to school and passed the Chaos Computer Club’s offices.

All this information continues to confirm that Assange was also a member of this same club when these friends of his were also members and working for the KGB. Muller’s involvement in the 2016 Democratic National Committee email hack, which Wikileaks made public, is also mentioned in the same piece. It gave the election to Trump and further harmed Hillary Clinton’s already miserable campaign for president. Muller is said to have given Assange this data on a USB drive on one of his regular monthly trips to the Ecuadorian embassy.

Assange further acknowledged that because the DNC race was so close, he didn’t need to advertise the release to have a significant political impact. Incidentally, another potential source of the information was Nigel Farage. Farage is on record on Sky.News stating: “Yeah I’ve met Julian Assange. I went to see him in the embassy a few years ago.” But why would Farage be involved?

Muller also serves on the board of the Wau Holland Foundation, an organization that supports Wikileaks publications and was founded following the death of the Chaos Computer Club founder. Not that they need it, as they had $25 million in bitcoin that was practically untraceable in 2018.

A paragraph in the above article by The Washington Post, states that Muller’s “consulting and advocacy work has carried him all over the world, including Moscow, where in 2016 and 2017 he attended a security conference organized by the Russian Defense Ministry.” Since 2018 Muller says “he runs a data center that hosts websites and manages email for businesses. He also works as a security consultant, helping companies and governments safeguard their secrets. One of his clients is in China.”

What did Vaughan Smith say about this? “Most of the people I meet believe that Julian Assange delivered us Trump and that came from the fact that he put in the public domain some, what is called the DC leaks. Basically there were emails from the Democratic Party. Various other DC leaks and other leaks which are supposed to convince us that this information was from Russia. Well, you know, I don’t know. I don’t know whether it was from Russia. I don’t know where Julian got the leaks. Julian hasn’t told me. Julian said it wasn’t.”

But Julian Assange doesn’t have any links to Russia, does he? Truly, we have seen a lot of evidence that he does have links to Russia.

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