The 13 ruling families – the Collins family (10)

“Now this article will list a few Collins who I suspect may have been connected to the Illuminati in their time. These are only suspects, but interesting people at that.

Clifton W. Collins – Clifton studied Saint Simon who was the Mason/Illuminatus that started Communism in the early 19th century. Clifton wrote a book about him entitled Saint Simon.

Copp Collins – Copp Collins was involved in so many political things for the republican Presidential elections, and involved with consulting Federal agencies and so many other government positions. It is difficult to give a list of what all he has been involved with. He also was involved with Bahrain Petroleum Co., Ltd during the 1950s.

DeWitt Clinton Collins – DeWitt Clinton Collins was born on Sept. 5, 1866 and was named after DeWitt Clinton, who was assoc. with the Illuminati very early in the history of the United States. His father, Clinton DeWitt was also named after DeWitt Clinton. D.C. Collins did his post-graduate work in Vienna, and practiced in Chicago.

Hugh Collins – Author Marxism and the Law published by Oxford University Press.

James Foster Collins – Worked for U.S. intelligence, for the United Nations, graduated from Yale, had such jobs as Research assistant U.S. Senate Atomic Energy Commission, political affairs officer United Nations Secretariat (1946-1949). By the way a large percentage of the officers in the Secretariat area of the United Nations for the first 10 years were Jews. Collins also worked for the state department and the treasury department, perhaps maintaining his intelligence work on the side.

Jim Collins – Jim writes books on the occult, UFOs, mysticism, Uri Geller, etc.

John Anderson Collins – He was intimately involved with the Illuminati plots involving Unitarians/Rosicrucians/& Masons which created militant abolitionists who intended to wage war against the south. He worked with William Uoyd Garrison. For a full expose on this, the reader should study my chapter on the Unitarian Church in Be Wise as Serpents. John Anderson Collins was a socialist (forerunner of what is known as communism). He attempted several communist social experiments beginning in the 1840s. The importance of how this all connects to the occult and the Illuminati can be appreciated by reading Fire in the Minds of Men by James Billington.

John Churton Collins – In 1886 he wrote a book on Voltaire, and in 1908 he wrote yet another book on Voltaire. As a lecturer who travelled to the U.S. and Germany, the press always gave him great press coverage. He was involved with the occult. He was found dead in peculiar circumstances in a ditch.

Launa Collins and Virginia Collins co. authored a book Levels of Mind in 1984.

Mauney D. Collins – Mauney Collins was State Superintendent of Schools in Georgia. He went to Bob Jones College sometime after 1938. He was a Freemason, a Grand Master of the Georgia Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, assoc. editor of the Ga. Odd Fellows News, and if my source is correct editor of Atlanta’s Masonic magazine. He was in Eastern Star, and a number of other affiliated Masonic groups. He lived at the Capital Building at the state capital in Georgia. He was a pastor (ordained in 1909) of Friendship Baptist Church for his lifetime.

Paul Valorous Collins – writer, studied art in Paris, interviewed Italian strongman Benito Mussolini in 1927 for Outlook Magazine. Presbyterian and a Freemason.

Robert DeVille Collins – foreign service officer, intelligence, 1st Secretary to NATO (73-76), director political officer of personnel of the US State Dept. (80-82), worked in the U.S. embassy in Rome in various capacities, Roman Catholic, and given an award by the Pope.

Ross A. Collins – One of the ex-Illuminati members remembers the name Ross Collins. Ross A. Collins was a high ranking Mason, a lawyer, an attorney general (a common position for Satanists), and a Congressman. He was born at Collinsville, Miss. in Congress at Washington D.C. He was chairman of the military appropriation committee, a position which the Illuminati control. Ross Collins was famous for advocating mechanized weaponry. He wanted technology to be applied to weaponry. He is credited with bringing the Flying Fortress into being. By the way there have been many Collins who were Masons, for instance, the masonic reference book History of Scottish Rite Masonry in Chicago, also entitled Oriental Consistory 1856-1907 by George Warvelle, 33°, lists twelve Collins as being members of Chicago’s Oriental Consistory (pp. 99-100).

Varnum Lansing Collins – Princeton Univ. Professor and Episcopalian.

Wilkie Collins – author of occult fiction

William Collins – his British Collins Pub. firm has printed some books on British Intelligence (MI-5, MI-6).

I could continue giving more names on the suspect’s list, but the reader’s patience has likely been tested enough. Articles like this aren’t as much fun to write, when I have to pad out some hard evidence with clues. I included some of the suspects so that the readers can see that people with the last name of Collins do show up with some frequency when one investigates the occult and power. Some readers might feel that any last name could be run through history and some people involved in the occult found. I challenge people to test that. I will give them some names, and let them search. There are some names such as Gould for instance that reoccur way out of proportion in Masonic literature than the name should randomly occur. Russell is another name that reoccurs everywhere I turned in studying the New World Order. It became evident that the Russell family was not a common family, but wielded immense power. On the opposite side of things, some families have been essentially totally unconnected with the occult in anyway.”

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