Who is the Establishment of the PN?

You can continue to validate that something is up when they parrot the same thing.

Like Mark Camilleri, Dr. Delia keeps on repeating that it is the Labour Party who is the Establishment. This site has already analysed how neither are.

Here is the hypocrisy of the PN for you. The above post reads:

[PBS has become part of the propaganda of the Labour Party. Under the control of the Establishment. For another time. the Nationalist Party was given credit from the court for the unbalanced way that the news were given. The Broadcasting Authority and PBS are financed from our taxes and so we expect that it does not remain a tool of deceit in the hands of Robert Abela and his mates. We expect that it is a tool of truth, without any political ties, fear and political obligations.]

The usual one-sided political rhetoric. Do you remember how the PBS was hijacked by the PN under its twenty-five years of administration, when the same PBS was financed from our taxes? Because the elitist and hypocritical PN forgets that it should be an instrument of truth itself. Now, dear readers, in no way I am pointing this out because I fall for their game of ‘The blue is better than the red’ or ‘The red is better than the blue’ or ‘My party is better than yours’ and ‘My party is more corrupt than yours.’ This is the matrix of illusion they give you of two parties. But because I want to show you that both parties are of the same material and both are hungry for power and don’t want you to evolve. When they set in motion the modus operandi of divide and conquer, they fuel hatred. Both have become very dangerous for our nation because of their establishments that are working behind the scenes.

They are turning us against each other to distract us from turning against them.

And I remind you that Dr. Delia was not able to sweep clean the PN when he was leader of the opposition party from all the backstabbers and those pulling the strings from the back. With the complicity of the media, he was surrounded by the PN’s establishment until he was ousted out. Hence why I am lately not agreeing with his one-sided statements when now he is also doing the rhetoric of the PN establishment.

Delia also keeps on repeating the same ‘blame game’ – that the PL is the establishment. This is childish and immature spat about what constitutes the ‘Establishment’. And this childish and immature behaviour is a symptom of what is wrong in this country. It is another smokescreen to hide the truth. The truth is that none of them is ‘the establishment.’ If we want to dissect ‘the establishment,’ we can say that the PN politicians are just frontmen and puppets of those who have hijacked them and who pull their strings from the back.

Who is this Establishment of the PN? There are no secrets about it. All you need to do is connect the dots. Go to Daphne Caruana Galizia’s ‘Running Commentary’ and search for all the articles in which she attacked Dr. Delia from one article to the next. So, shall we deduce that their highnesses the Caruana Galizias never liked and never wanted Delia as a leader of the PN? So, shall we deduce further that the Establishment behind the PN is the Caruana Galizia family, who then controls Repubblika, with their aides who are: the rent seeker Mark Camilleri of ‘Ġaħan fl-aqwa Żminjiet’ and Manuel Delia of ‘Terror be Told’ of the terror media? Add Jason Frejjeġ u Gideb Azzopardi and then you get the whole cabal.

I remind you that Jason Azzopardi did not want Dr. Delia to win the Steward-Vitals case but after he did, as the usual liar and hypocrite that he is, announced that he always believed in this case and that this was started by Daphne Caruana Galizia and that it was he who then continued it when he had collected all the articles regarding this contract and passed them on to Dr. Delia. But then, according to Jason Frejjeġ u Gideb Azzopardi, it was Dr. Delia that wanted to proceed with the case on his own. This is a typical narcissist statement when he plays the underdog and victim but wants to take the glory.

X’ipokrita’! What utter hypocrisy! Do you understand why the PN is hypocritical? Because its Establishment is hypocritical. The truth is that when Adrian Delia opened this court case, Jason Azzopardi started his usual campaigns of hatred, aided by the Church media, the Times of Malta and other media portals so that Adrian Delia is ousted out. And who is Jason Azzopardi? He is the lawyer for the parte civile in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia. Do you understand now who is the Establishment of the PN? Do you remember how, together with Repubblika, they had objected to Magistrate Depasquele and other members of the judiciary saying that this appointment was not done well and so they asked for their removal? They even went to the European Court to remove them, but they did not succeed to win this case.

Do you understand now how things work within the PN and who is the PN’s establishment in the political arena which is yet another comedy channel hijacked by clowns who are at the head of the state!

And yet, the people did not vote for this establishment. It is time for the Maltese citizens to sweep clean the city assemblage from both parties and their establishments. This site has no vested interest in anything that causes the human race to suffer. And both political parties, ruled by their Establishments from the back, are causing the Maltese race to suffer. And so, we need to continue to filter through the deceit they give you so that we keep on walking on the path of Truth.

To conclude, it is hypocritical and a joke for Dr. Delia to keep on referring to the PL as the establishment, because the PN has a very dangerous establishment, which had not only ousted out the same Delia, but has hijacked the entire party, the local media portals but also the entire nation, and it won’t be taken by surprise if this establishment has joined forces with the other establishment of the PL through checkered lodges of the ‘apron brothers.’

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