On the journalistic patriarchy, my experience and the patriarchal condescending superiority of Frank Camilleri of Malta Today while taking up ideas from this site

In another piece, I referred to the journalist of the pseudo-Catholic and pseudo-church media Newsbook, Jurgen Balzan, referring to the scenes that Malta has witnessed these past days with Muscat at the helm as ‘circus,’ a typical word that this site often uses. But anyway – what can one expect from a country of copy-and-paste that lacks creative minds in a system created by the uncreative mind of the patriarchy.

The mainstream media and many others that follow this site take some points or jargon used here every now and then, only to then use them while they put you to the side as a non-existent prop. Being a woman in this patriarchy, which is even dominant in journalism, is a new kind of evil that only Daphne understood.

Imma imbasta jgħidulek ‘independent journalism.’ Anzi mhux ‘investigative,’ as it is everything but. Because since I started this journey, I have been put on a similar path, but with less ħdura, that Daphne was put on – ‘fuq ċertu blog’ [Saviour Balzan], ‘blogger’ [Times of Malta], ‘biċċa blogger’ [staunch labourite Saviour Stivala, replaying PN Dr Adrian Delia], ‘a blog on Simon Mercieca’s site’ [Lovin Malta]. Let me tell you one thing: I don’t enjoy speaking about these things because it sounds like showing off, but I find it necessary to set the matter straight with all the mainstream media journalists and the rest, that I am aware of everything that is going on around me. I am neither stupid, naive, asleep. I am aware, but at times, I ignore. It is necessary to set the matter straight and recognize that a lot of good outcomes come out of my writings, even though I don’t depend on the popular vote. I am here to serve my readers and humanity. I am here to help people filter through the deceit. I am here to help people see what they cannot see yet. I am here because I do not have any vested interest in suffering and injustice. I am not here giving you information because I want to be on the payroll of the EU or to elicit some kind of favours. Time and History will be my judges. You, the people, will be my judges, and I am ready to stand in front of all of you.

The fact of the matter is that I set up this website, quoting Daphne ‘to be free of any form of control or interference. [….] I like knowing that this is one space where absolutely nobody has any say in what I write or how I write it.’ Quite a strong mindset for a “biċċa blogger” who got nauseatic ad infinitum with ‘you need to change style,’ ‘it feels like you are giving a Sunday sermon,’ ‘you need to respect language,’ ‘there are books and books’ [No, woman! The books you read are not valid!], ‘If you want to do journalism then this is not your site,’ ‘he is right’ [No, woman! You are not only not right but you are never right!]. This is the patriarchy for you, spluttering its saliva on your face while it holds its testicles which are on the verge of falling only to then licks its saliva which it has spluttered on your face itself.

For the patriarchy, being a woman is a disease which needs a cure. It offers you its cure which is violent poison, but when the patriarchy encounters a woman who has undone its propaganda, the patriarchy feels threatened and tries to bash her head or shut her up. Because the patriarchy is not a binary system where males subjugate women. It’s much more intricate.

But you learn to brush this off and keep on moving. 47 years of roaming on earth swimming in shit, and you learn how to swim in it very well. 47 years of being thrown in a den of wolves only to come out dancing with the wolves. Three and a half years of writing, and I am still here to remain because I am tenacious and resilient.

The mainstream media has very often embraced the habit of taking up articles whose originality is not theirs. Please refer to this and this. Here is another example where the male products of the patriarchy jump on your bandwagon, take your ideas, mould them into theirs, and come up with what they deem an original write-up.

When I was reading this article, I felt surrounded by an aura of condescending superiority. Little did I know that on going back to it for this piece, a reader confirmed my feeling – please see the last comment:

I got reminded of another article of the same condescending superiority published on 12th May on Labour’s Journal.mt titled  ‘Off the hinge,’  by a certain Franke Camille, which was full of hate speech against Imperium Ewropa candidate Terrence Portelli. You know, Franke Camille and Frank Camilleri are quite similar, but let us give the benefit of the doubt and not think that after reading ‘il-blog’ from ‘il-blog’, Malta Today did not even think of promoting Frank Camilleri a.k.a. Franke Camille on their portal.

In the article, Frank Camilleri took up various ideas that were already mentioned on this ‘il-blog’ ‘fuq blog,’ – that Fearne’s move in his resignation as the ‘poxt’ that he is, which Camilleri referred to as ‘Mr. Smart’ was to basically save his arse while coming forth to the people as being the party’s saviour, which Camilleri referred to as ‘Mr. Clean.’ Let me set the matters straight – I do not mind that a ‘blog’ on this ‘il-blog’ from the ‘biċċa blogger’ sets off some food for thought. It happens to me too. But I challenge the readers to go through my blogs and check out that when this happened, I mentioned either the writer who gave me some food for thought, cited the article directly, or used direct quotes.

But Camilleri fails to point out that Fearne gave his resignation two days after this site published three articles on the same day about Fearne. One revealed that Abela is considering another candidate instead of Fearne for Health Commissioner for the EU. The other quoted a foreign portal that the MEPs are discussing his credibility. Putting out the cube of cheese first while hiding the mouse trap will still lead the mouse to the cheese until he is mouse-trapped. The ‘biċċa blogger’ must be doing something right, because the ‘biċċa blogger’ has brought a lot of positive changes ever since the ‘biċċa blogger’ started publishing ‘biċċiet blogs’ and she understands that being a woman helps in the awakening of the wombed men and that it is good to trigger, because only through the triggering you can bring a change in the paradigm shift.

Frank Camilleri is a typical male product [because we also have female products] of the patriarchy in this superiority’s structure of domination, in which patriarchy and its superiority are the source of many significant issues that women face today. And in journalism, this patriarchy is also dominant.

Frank Camilleri’s article is full of condescending superiority, and his style, where he thinks he is making a strong point, is just full of mockery while trying to imitate other styles, perhaps, which makes him look more fake than fake ‘counterfeits’ and ‘knockoffs’ are.

And now we wait for the patriarchy to come up with:

“She thinks she is someone.”

“She has a big head.”

“Ħalliha tparla.”

“She wants to be mentioned so she can be popular.”

“Who does she think she is?”

“You, who think you know it all.”

“Tagħha biss tajjeb din!” [I never said so]

“She’s a fundamentalist.”

“Hi biss mingħaliha tikteb din.”

“Imbilli tikteb minti tagħmel xejn speċjali.” [the patriarch who told me this is now also involved in journalism]

“Kemm tikteb ċuċati.”

All the Mr. Cleans and all the Mr. Smarts of condescending superiority and pride and arrogance should understand that I brush off any comments of condescending superiority and pride and arrogance as the above, which I have received so far from many male products of the patriarchy [the female products are of another category] that splutter their saliva on my face while they hold their testicles in the impossible quest to not let them fall, but which are on the verge of falling.

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