There are other instances when this time the media took some time before publishing articles stating what I had already stated months before. Well they say it is better late than never!
On 17thMay 2021 my blog “What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution all about” was published. TOM confirmed it with its article of 28thJanuary 2022 “Our green and digital future[1]” written by Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds in which he confirmed that we are living through the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Sadly in this article there is no mention that this information had been given to the public by a normal citizen eight months before.
On 2ndAugust 2022 my piece “The pandemic brought about an irreversible emotional damage in teenagers”[2]was taken up by Newsbook’s article of 20thAugust entitled “Is-saħħa mentali ta’ dawk bejn 13 u 18-il sena l-aktar affetwata bil-Covid – studju” [“We’re not taking Covid’s impact on mental health seriously enough – Profs. Azzopardi].[3]
In other instances the media took another path:
On the 29th ofAugust piece entitled “A government should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens but its lowest ones”[4] I questioned whether our economy is truly doing well as PM Abela says when we have more families making use of food banks. TOM rebutted with its same date one called “Economy grows strongly as unemployment stays at record low.”[5]
In the 26th ofAugust publication “Questions to ponder about when it comes to the monkeypox vaccines”[6] I queried the need for such vaccines when the authorities and the media itself had just reported 30 cases. TOM rebutted with its article “Monkeypox rate in Malta is one of the highest in Europe[7]” justifying such a purchase.
Lastly in the 30thof August blog entitled “The government has started the first steps to drive the Maltese nation to a monitored carbon score system via the climate change agenda[8]” where I had written:
“More importantly the public sector is leading by example[meaning we started from the public sector so that then we can impose on the rest of the nation] and encouraging everyone to focus on our environmental targets and the attainment of our long-term decarbonisationobligations;”
I had inserted my comment in brackets using the verb “impose” as an opposing verb to the spokesperson’s use of the verb “encouraging”.
It is very important for a writer’s style to convey anything to the readers which penetrates the medium of writing.
What does TOM do? TOM copies the same pun by putting the word “encouraged” in its heading to its article published on Facebook on 31stAugust retaliating with the title that this response is a “public education campaign”. By putting the verb “encouraged” in inverted commas TOM was using the same pun while guiding the readers to understand “encouraged” in an opposing context.
This makes one wonder considering that we have a long-time established institutionalised media with employed full-time paid qualified journalists…
As Nikola Tesla had stated “I do not regret that others have stolen my ideas rather than why they haven’t their own.”
Albeit what many bad tongues have spawned out at me mocking me describing me in rude words concluding fake things about me inventing lies like “she is after fame” or “she is getting paid for each blog” I keep on walking my own path because I choose to respond and not react.
“Rudeness is the weak person’s imitation of strength (Eric Hoffer)” while lies are cheap.
A comment I came across on Facebook transmits so much beyond:
I am sure that there are readers out there who with each blog published are understanding the various paths that each blog is meant to take them on. This God-endowed mission keeps me going. So thus my thirst for truth and justice. So thus my love and respect towards humanity.
A big thank you of appreciation goes to Profs Simon Mercieca for not only is he the creator of this platform but also for offering it to me so I can be a voice heard and a bigger thank you to all those who contribute via their readership on behalf of humanity in the name of Justice and Truth.
Malcolm X an African America leader in the Civil Rights Movement had put forth these statements over 50 years ago.