Is Prime Minister Robert Abela considering another candidate instead of Chris Fearne as a health commissioner for the EU?

[Dear readers, before I start this piece I would like to say that today I will be publishing a few articles every few hours – each set will have different topics.]

This site has been informed that Prime Minister Robert Abela is considering another candidate instead of Chris Fearne for Health Commissioner for the EU.

However, Abela is on record stating that Fearne “will remain Malta’s nomination for European Commissioner despite possible charges against the former health minister.”

“‘It remains to be seen whether he was simply charged for holding the role of health minister and deputy prime minister, or because he was directly involved in any wrong doing,” Abela told the press on Monday afternoon.

As if it matters, honestly. The nation appoints politicians to public office to serve it, protect it, and scrutinise everything that might work against the nation. If this is not the case, then it means that either our politicians are naive or unfit for purpose. Dear readers, I think we have neither because it seems like when a corrupt scandal pops up in the Labour government, no one is accountable. It looks like there are a lot of paranormal activities which happen in Castille.

We should be reminded that “the deputy PM was parliamentary secretary for health when the concession was agreed with Vitals – a company with no prior experience in managing hospitals – in 2015: the minister responsible for health was Konrad Mizzi, who was assigned the portfolio soon after the Electrogas deal went through. Fearne became health minister in 2016, overseeing the transfer of the concession to Steward Health Care in 2018.”

“Fearne said that he was willing to resign if he was mentioned in the inquiry and if the parliamentary group wanted him to, a declaration that appears to have been met by applause.” Was the applause for the fact that he finally has decided to resign and do us all a favour or because for the circus, this is a show of principle? If it is the latter, principle my foot!

Chris Fearne should have resigned long ago.

Let us remind ourselves that his name always showed up in administrative corrupt deals. You can read more here.

Let us remind ourselves that he insisted “that the court’s judgment to annul the hospitals concession absolves him of responsibility.” But now he is not keeping to this statement of his. But he is willing to resign. Why? Because he holds a position in the WHO and he is ready to leave the labour government drowning while he sits his arse warmly and safely on the seat of the corrupt WHO. After all, there he is another undemocratically elected member and is not under the Maltese nation’s scrutiny. Kif jgħid il-Malti, ħobżu maħbus u żejtu fil-kus! U ħa jagħmel bħal Neruni – jitlaq u jħalli lil Ruma tinħaraq.

“In replies to MaltaToday Fearne’s spokesperson said the ruling showed the responsibility was not the deputy prime minister’s to shoulder referring to paragraphs 425, 427, and 431 of the judgment.”

“Paragraph 425 explains how Fearne had expressed his disappointment on the contractual obligations of the hospitals deal but Konrad Mizzi who was no longer health minister “for no logical reason or explanation” was still the government signatory for the Vitals contracts after 2017.”“Government’s official reaction so far has been to say that it is studying the judgment and will safeguard the national interest workers’ jobs and the services patients enjoy as a result of the concession.”

What a joke considering he was still part of the cabinet at the time, and he is photographed sitting near the Vitals Healthcare Director Ram Tumuluri.

And yet he still insists he has no doubt that the court would find him completely innocent.

I repeat what I wrote in a 2023 piece:

“But the good things about liars is that they don’t have a memory which is good enough to help them become successful liars. And so it happens that back in October of last year Newsbook reported that Fearne “charged tack and defended the €80 million allocated in the government’s latest budget estimates for 2023 to Steward Healthcare.

Asked why the concessionaire’s budget allocation increased by some €10 million from the previous year which was €41 million more than the year before  Fearne put it down to “increasing health costs.””

“Denying that the €80 million was being pocketed by the private company Fearne said the funds allocated to Steward Healthcare covered the wages of doctors nurses and staff members at the Gozo Hospital and the Karin Grech Hospital and other expenses such as food cleaning medicines utilities and the health services offered at the two hospitals.

Speaking during a press conference on Thursday Fearne described Malta’s health system as “one of the best in the world.”

Asked about whether the controversial concession will be respected by government Fearne said this will not be revised or withdrawn unless court decides otherwise. “Only court can cancel the contract… if the court sentence changes the obligations of the parties then government will react accordingly.””

Whether he has or had his hands in the cookie jar or not Fearne still stood by this contract. Therefore he needs to carry the political responsibility for it. For one thing I know you can fool the nation once but you cannot fool it twice.”

And therefore, he should resign.

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