How the useless government entity of BCRS continues to rip off shop owners and enslave the commoners

This site has dedicated some articles to show how the BCRS scheme is yet another scam and a fraud, which is just making those behind it richer. It has nothing to do with the environment. One of such articles showed how the BCRS scheme is affecting shop owners:

This has been validated by Ta’ Ganza, a Qormi cash and carry which “has announced that it will no longer be accepting bottle returns for the BCRS beverage container scheme, saying it is a ‘total ripoff’.” 

“Ta’ Ganza said that scheme operators were rejecting an excessively large number of drinks containers, forcing the establishment to foot the bill for refunds it would have already paid to customers.”

“Introduced in 2022, the Beverage Container Refund Scheme introduced a 10c tariff on every drink container, that can then be refunded if the container is returned to the company for recycling.” Times of Malta, it is not a tariff! It is taxation!

The most common way of recycling containers is by wasting your time standing in line in a queue in the cold or in the heat, so that when it is hopefully your turn, you can insert your bottles and cans through BCRS reverse vending machines which managed to find their space across this overcrowded country, making sure to be an eye-sore to all the localities they are found in. If it happens that by the time you get in front of the vending machine, the machine is full or out of order, then tough luck.

“But many shops also allow customers to return containers to them directly. Shops issue 10c refunds to clients, and are in turn paid 12c per container by BCRS when it collects them from the establishment.” 

“However, a representative from Ta’ Ganza said that the system is leaving the company out of pocket.” Rest assured that it is leaving all shop owners out of pocket.

Ta’ Ganza did not only have to employ a full-time employee to manage BCRS returns, but it is having an excessive number of bottles and cans rejected. Diana Curmi “displayed a recent invoice and stated that out of the 3,709 containers that were supplied to BCRS, 205 were returned.” On checking herself, Curmi found that maybe three or four bottles weren’t up to scratch and not the number that the BCRS was rejecting.

Ta’ Ganza, like many shop owners, accepted to give this service so to make it convenient for their clients, but now shop owners are realising that this is becoming not only a burden for them, but they are losing money. Needless to say, this will affect the people who will either have to do the merry-go-round until they find a vending machine – if they can drive that is – or else head to the Big Biz Boys of the shopping villages and their vending machines stationed outside such villages.

To add insult to injury, the BCRS has now decided to revise handling fees for returns. “As of Wednesday, shops that accept returns from customers will only be paid a 1c premium per container, effectively halving the fee for shops.”

“Curmi was told that she would be able to retain the 2c fee only if she signed up for a B2B card that would then oblige her to return all customers’ beverage containers at a BCRS machine or facility herself.”

“It’s not an easy decision, because customers aren’t going to like it, but the system isn’t working properly,” she said. “We cannot keep losing money, because we’ve already paid people for those deposits that are being rejected.”

Because communism won’t have it in any other way.

This government entity is just another useless entity which Joseph Muscat had talked of in one of his speeches and which most probably was signed under his watch, but which manifested itself later. It is just another useless entity created for two reasons – for which one – as I had explained in another blog is:

“The BCRS scheme continues to be a proof that our government is corrupted by its brigade of lobbyists and business platoons while making you wear a blindfold for two reasons.

Firstly so that you believe the lie that these same brigades are environmentalists when in reality they run companies where the amount of environmental hazards produced won’t even start in giving birth to a whole plantation of forests as big as the seven continents put together. Forget Yorgen Fenech who the media is still massacring and blaming. If you start unweaving the net it will take you to the real spidery “space cognoscenti” in their quest to turn the NWO green agenda into a reality obeying the Elite’s guide to turn everything into sustainable development while turning humans into unsustainable deterioration.

This is the same paradigm used by various companies which get soaked with wealth through the devise of dull concrete architectural designs or anything that is environmentally hazardous but which then engage in environmental projects so that they camouflage the truth that they also walk hand in hand with the devises of the urban rambles they have put us in disembodying the classical notion of “rus in urbe” that is the integration of nature within the urban plan.”

But communism won’t have it in any other way, because you, shop owners, and commoners, are at the bottom of the communist heap.

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