To the Maltese nation: your blue and red politicians are fooling you

If you love listening to lies when you know the truth, listen to your politicians.

Your blue and red politicians give you lies – lies that swivel like a snake. And when the politicians are not giving you the truth, what they really are saying is that they don’t value you or that they don’t value the relationship that they have with you.

This means, that you should not honour them.

Your blue and red politicians are chameleons, and they change themselves depending on who they are trying to impress. Everything about them is fake and what they give you is fake emotions, fake empathy, fake tears, fake finances, fake different personalities, fake politics, fake speeches, fake statements.

This means, that you should not honour them.

Your blue and red politicians invent events for the few to encash, which are being done in the name of something. The excuse is that they are always for the people.

This means that you should not honour them.

If you really care about your children’s future, then you need to start paying attention to the three entities that are taking over the world. Your blue and red politicians have sold you out to private, unelected bodies. These are the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization. It should not be that hard now to understand that we are in transition and that big changes are coming upon this world.

This means that you should not honour them.

Politicians lie, and you are programmed not to question anything and to hate those who do. Instead, you should be a conspiracy theorist, who is somebody who makes obvious observations that the government does not like. Be a conspiracy theorist, who is somebody who studies the philosophies, psychology, and propaganda that have been used to piper humanity into various forms of servitude for thousands of years.

This means that you should honour those who tell you the truth.

Remember that your blue and red politicians have taken part in a crisis that was created for you so that a desired reaction is elicited from you. Then the politicians will present you with a pre-planned solution that furthers their political agenda. This is the Hegelian dialectic.

This means that you are being disrespected.

Remember that your blue and red politicians have advocated for the deadly, experimental, COVID-19 vaccine, and whoever has done so, has no place in the path of truth in this unique, unprecedented time in the history of humanity.

This means that you are being genocided.

Your blue and red politicians lied, spreading misinformation to peddle a false narrative. Your politicians took bribes from Big Pharma to kill you.

Your blue and red politicians have corrupted politics, and “corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country” (Karl Kraus).

Your blue and red politicians are more concerned about who gets the largest crowd clapping for them under the tents, instead of checking what is happening at Mater Dei and Malta in general. Their corruption, their huge egos, and their god complex are ruining Malta.

Your blue and red politicians are just two faces of the same coin, which track back to the Fabian Socialist Movement.

Your blue politicians have made Malta a colony of the EU. Your red politicians continued in the same footsteps.

Your blue and red politicians have destroyed patriotism and want you to accept the new Malta—the new multicultural, ‘culturally enriched’ homeland turned foreignland. Because the Futur fis-Sod has been turned to L-Aqwa Żmien. Do not fall for their similar slogan propaganda any time whatsoever because they are taking you for a ride.

Do you believe them when they say that their hearts are beating for Malta?

They are crooked politicians who betray the working man, pocket the profits, and treat you like sheep. If you want to remain an accomplice to the crime of corruption, keep on electing the same corrupt politicians, which is a clear message that you don’t want a change.

The accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently your own indifference.

To the politicians, we say: What is done in the dark will always come to light. Time has a way of showing people’s true colours.

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