The Fabian Socialist Movement – what can the people do?

The public has to be aware of what is happening. Inflation and shortages are directly related. They will also harm everyone. When will people start paying attention? Is it when we’ve gone far enough? When are we hurting too much?

The populace needs to realize that something is not right. People need to start realizing how the Illuminati, or the thirteen ruling families, have been using Fabian Socialists in political and bureaucratic administrations to deceive and govern the world. People need to realize that we are the victims of these vicious individuals.

As a result, the Fabian Socialists—who openly acknowledge their conspiracy—have established a socialist society, and they have also been the ones to introduce Keynesian Economics, which is to blame for the world’s current and historical runaway inflation as well as shortages and scarcity.

I would heartily recommend two books to all those who would like to get more knowledgeable about this. One is called ‘Keynes at Harvard’ which was put up by a group of Harvard Alumni. Please note that it is not an easy book to read but is not beyond anyone’s comprehension.

The second book which happened to be a great handbook for the Fabians themselves is ‘Fabian Freeway‘ by Rose Martin. The book has to do with Fabian Socialism and its history particularly related to the United States of America, the organizations which the Fabian Socialists control, the people that have been very important to the Fabian Movement, and so forth. I did not cover the names in this series because I wanted to give you a picture of the movement, its philosophy and how successful the Fabian Socialists have been and are up till today. Yet I think that such book will still help the readers to transfer such knowledge to what is happening in Malta and or their respective country.

Put on the armour of knowledge and of God, without leaning on your own understanding so that you can start seeing the whole, bigger picture so that we can hopefully come together to push back and create our own deserving reality, which is not dictated by the Fabian Socialist Movement and their Illuminati funding of the 13 Ruling families.

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