Daphne Caruana Galizia on Saviour Balzan, the former non-qualified teacher and his vested interests or agendas

In her running commentary, “Eksetra Eksetra: Saviour Balzan is on another mission, Mission Eksetra Eksetra”, published on 25th November 2011, Daphne wrote:

“Go straight to 3:20 if you want to miss the reason Malta Today isn’t targeting Anglu Farrugia anymore, plus barter arrangements ETCETERA.

When Saviour interviews somebody nowadays, instead of concentrating on the interview, you spend your time working out what his vested interest or agenda is.

Oh, and his mother is a teacher but still she hasn’t taught him that the T in etcetera is pronounced as a T not as a K, or that ‘et’ is the Latin for ‘and’ while ‘ek’ means nothing.

The meaning of et cetera (contracted in contemporary usage to etcetera), for the benefit of the editor and owner of Malta Today:

‘and other things/matters of this nature’.

Incidentally, Saviour was a teacher too. At St Edward’s, if you please. Mal-puliti u l-hajkless. Mur ara jekk kien jghidilhom eksetra ukoll – eksetra, bil-Malti.”

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