Where was the sleepy MUT when schools were gradually undergoing nasty changes by the state?

“The Malta Union of Teachers is to hold a protest at MCAST on Wednesday in solidarity with a lecturer who was hit in the face by a student”.

“The union said the senior lecturer, who is a member of the union, had to seek medical treatment.”

Where was the MUT when schools were gradually, over a span of thirty years, being imposed one nasty change after the next, before even having one change settle, by the state?

Where was the MUT when the PN came up with the colleges’ system, and its catchment areas, which was yet, another shiny project which rots in the inside? They keep you in a loop of their bureaucratic order out of their bureaucratic chaos.

Where was the MUT when the PL kept the same PN system and kept on bringing one change after the next in a span of few years?

Where was the MUT when the PN and the PL Fabian Socialists were slowly and gradually driving the schools to the disastrous state they are in today?

Where was the MUT when never-ending and ever changing curriculums and syllabi were forced onto teachers by the State’s appointed bureaucrats? They keep you in a loop of their bureaucratic order out of their bureaucratic chaos.

Where is the MUT when a new bureaucratic nail replaces the previous changes of the old bureaucratic nail which happen to be completely the opposite of the previous changes which have just started to be implemented after these have replaced newly implemented old changes of another old bureaucratic nail? They keep you in a loop of their bureaucratic order out of their bureaucratic chaos.

Where was the MUT when half yearly exams were eliminated while Learning Outcome Frameworks were imposed on teachers and students, which meant the preparation of more paper work and monthly tests? Needless to say, since LOFs carry a percentage of the final mark of the O level exams, students have now taken up the habit to regard LOFs as important while disregarding any other work which is allocated throughout the scholastic year. They keep you in a loop of their bureaucratic order out of their bureaucratic chaos.

Where was the MUT when the political parties were gradually sifting in society the UN’s damaging Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which is obviously reflected in schools too? They keep you in a loop of their bureaucratic order out of their bureaucratic chaos.

Dear MUT, you are just another bureaucratic union and servant of the State. Condemning any incidents involving violence, while adding that you support the lecturer, is useless. Is this the way how you claim you support your members? Can you explain how the protest you are organising is a show of solidarity? What use does a protest serve? Take action and administer the suitable penalty. You can only make a point and influence future misuse in this way. Logic 101 states that a protest might have been understood in lieu of lack of disciplinary action taken against the student.

Doesn’t this incident also show MCAST’s shortcomings? Doesn’t this incident show that MCAST does not assist lecturers in handling students who should be on a two-year boot camp, instead of wasting time at MCAST? Doesn’t this incident show that MCAST lecturers do not have superiors who can assist them on the spot?

Is sleepy MUT suddenly concerned about the welfare of teachers? Are we talking about the same MUT that has spent the last two years wallowing in the details of the teachers’ collective bargaining agreement? In the previous collective agreement, the MUT made promises, delivered on another, and said that a room full of teachers had misunderstood. Is this the same union that applauded ITS’s decision to terminate two lecturers for belonging to an opposing union? Is this the same union which failed to protect other teachers and lecturers, who were going through an injustice at their workplace? Is this the same union which failed to assist me before and after I was fired from MCAST out of spite after I unveiled wrongdoing from a superior? Is this the same union which failed to assist Dr. Peter Gatt, the longtime lecturer who was demoted from MCAST after he unveiled wrongdoing? Is this the same union which failed to assist Dr. Peter Gatt, even after MCAST defied court order to stop ‘vindictive’ actions against him?

Surely this cannot be the same MUT that consented to reassign hundreds of peripatetic teachers to cover for instructors in classes affected by COVID-19?

Surely this cannot be the same MUT who agreed to schools being locked down with suddenly a whole country shifting to online lessons and “home-schooling.” Surely, this cannot be the same MUT who agreed to schools being put in the cocoon of COVID-19 fear with students being coerced to wear masks, and be tested in order to return to school.

MUT is merely the government’s spokesperson seeking to take advantage of a commercial opportunity. Dear sleepy MUT, will you be finalising the sectoral agreement before the MEP elections by any chance, so that you give the Labour government some PR?

Can we start lifting the veils so to see the game crystal clear? Aren’t we witnessing the manner in which a surprisingly dull and insignificant portion of the population, governments and their bureaucrats, extract and use our species’ brilliance just for their own gain.

It’s time to expose the democratic illusion. Time to take back what is rightfully ours. For far too long, charlatans and fools have ruled over us.

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