There is no such thing as Long Covid – Australian Health Agency

A new study from Queensland Health has revealed that “long COVID may be no different from other post-viral syndromes as those experienced after the flu.”

“The lead author of the study, the state’s chief health officer Dr. John Gerrard, said it was ‘time to stop using terms like ‘long COVID’ because they imply there is something unique about the longer-term symptoms associated with the virus, and in some cases create hypervigilance.”

“The results of the study, which Gerrard will present next month at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Barcelona, found no evidence that those who had COVID-19 were more likely to have functional limitations a year on compared with those who did not have COVID-19 (3.0% v 4.1%).

The 3% of the study participants who had ongoing impairments after the COVID-19 infection was similar to the 3.4% with ongoing impairments after influenza.”

You can read more about this here.

Tell it to the WHO, which defines long Covid or post-Covid as ‘occurring in people still experiencing symptoms three months after their initial Covid-19 infection, when those symptoms can’t be explained by an alternative diagnosis.’

Tell it to all those media portals that tried to make you swallow such a lie, like a recent article by the Times of Malta, dated February 10th, titled “Researchers start to find clues on the trail of long COVID” and a past article from March 12th, 2021, by Malta Today, titled “‘I might never get back to where I was before’: the people struggling with long COVID”. This shows that the media has been selling you another lie for three years.

Tell it to all those who jumped on the bandwagon of this lie, like the Maltese Italian Chamber of Commerce with its article ‘Long Covid: the months-long agony some coronavirus patients face’ and the Malta Enterprise with its article titled “Malta-based MGC completes long-COVID clinical trial.” Add a little bit of scholarly work from the University of Malta’s Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, with a work titled “Caring for Long COVID Patients in Primary Health Care: A Cross-Sectional Study Among General Practitioners in Belgium and Malta.” Wizardry and Sorcery are quite contagious, you know, in the world of indoctrination.

Tell it to the local ‘experts’ Sarah Cuschieri, Stephan Grech, and Victor Grech, of the Departments of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, of the ‘cradle of wisdom’ the University of Malta, the Department of Trauma & Orthopaedics of the ‘cradle of health’ Mater Dei Hospital, and the Department of Paediatrics, of the ‘cradle of health’, Mater Dei Hospital, respectively, with their study titled “A glimpse into Long COVID characteristics and the mental health impact within a highly vaccinated population: a Malta observational study,” which was published on the National Library of Wizardry Sorcery – erm, sorry, I meant the National Library of Medicine.

Tell it to the local ‘experts’ Dr Paul Herrera and Prof. Ruben Cauchi, who were publicized last August by the Times of Malta, in the article “Cause of long COVID symptoms identified by pioneering UoM study.” In this article, TOM brags about the news that these university researchers “have discovered a potential cause of the persistent, and often debilitating, symptoms experienced by long-COVID patients.”

Tell it to the local ‘experts’ Joseph Saliba, Clarissa Fenech, and Adrian Pace, whose study was publicized by Newsbook last January in an article titled “Maltese research sheds light on link between COVID and autoimmune disease.” In a nutshell, they are trying to sell you another lie: that long-Covid is associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome.

From the study of the Queensland Health Agency, we can only take two things: that long COVID is a lie and that long COVID is nothing more than flu symptoms. This leads us to the conclusion that COVID is the flu. And since long-Covid is yet another lie sold, it means that it is built on yet another lie, that of Covid-19, because all it was, was just the flu, which vanished for the two years from when they started spreading fear while parroting the plandemic until they managed to make entire populations comply to take the Covid-19 vaccine.

So everything is a lie because the PCR testing on which such studies rely as a starting point for COVID is a fraud, so it can never lead you to the truth. So, in a nutshell, all those studies tend to keep populations in limbo on whether to believe in COVID or Long COVID. They keep the populations in confusion on purpose so that people are not led to the sole truth—that COVID-19 is a whole lie and that it was the biggest scam and worldwide experiment done on the people.

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