One day we’ll all be lining up for our bread and there’ll be no more bread left

“I’m Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix, and clearing the rubbish from the road because there’s a lot of rubbish in our way and it’s clouding our vision and we’ve been pampered too long with our plastic credit cards and all our junk from China keeps flooding the market that breaks after about a month. There’s no problem, you can keep buying more with that plastic card, but that’s going to end one day when the time is right because the Big Boys have decided they’ve spoiled us too long. They don’t have to spoil us anymore. Now, just before I go on to what the police are up to, to get back to that last talk, the Royal Institute for International Affairs or Canadian Institute for International Affairs has created this new department for global governance basically. It’s called CIGI and you can find that at You can find their website. It’s the Center for International Governance Innovation and that’s what they’re calling it now you see. They don’t want to say ‘government.’ That would spook us too much, so they call it ‘governance.’ It sounds more fuzzy and kind of vague and that’s what they like. They like us all to be very, very vague. Look that up and there’s quite a lot of information there to do with sustainable development and all the other things which are going to be used as a big stick on you in the near future.

Here’s an article from Vancouver. We’re watching the police who are the biggest purchasers, by the way, right now of military equipment. They’re buying it up like crazy and have been for some time as they build up this internal police force, which is an army force, to take care of the future riots that they foresee coming down the pike. They haven’t told us why they do foresee all these riots, but some of us know pretty well because one day we’ll all be lining up for our bread and there’ll be no more bread left. That’s what they see coming down in the Brave New World that we’re going into.

This is from the Vancouver Sun by Chantal Eustace: ‘Vancouver Police Department to get armoured vehicle: The $270,000 BearCat is needed for rescue operations…’ Listen to this now. See how they word things: ‘Rescue operations.’ It says here: ‘Thursday, October 18th, 2007. The Vancouver police department expects to order an armoured rescue vehicle within a month…’ Again, rescue, rescue again. That’s to con you. ‘…making it the first police force in Canada to own one of the $270,000 BearCats. The Vancouver Police Foundation raised more than $200,000 last week at a retirement roast for former chief Jamie Graham to buy a BearCat. ‘I’ll sleep a lot easier once we have one in town,’ said Sgt. Norm Webster of the Vancouver Police Emergency Response Team, who has been campaigning for the BearCats for more than two years. ‘I’m hoping that we’d be able to place an order within a month. But a criminologist said armoured vehicles may present the wrong image of the police.’

No. ‘The police foundation…’ They generally call it the fraternity of police. You should check that out because that’s a Brotherhood, folks; and if you want to know what Brotherhood is, just look up ‘handshakes.’ ‘…which raises funds for things like police training and equipment — gave the 700 guests at the roast ‘Fund a BearCat’ information forms, listing the highly mobile armoured truck’s qualities, including…’

Now listen to this. This is the rescue vehicle. ‘_..increased levels of safety during CBRNE [chemical, biological, radioactive, nuclear and explosive] incidents.’ Quite the rescue, these are going to be real heroes, these fellows, when they go and rescue people through all that. ‘Ordinary police vehicles aren’t built to withstand gunfire, Webster said, so police are vulnerable now during rescue operations. In the past, Webster said he and his team have had to take off their body armour during a rescue mission and stuff it into their squad car windows for increased fortification.’

Well, I stuff paper towels into my windows to keep the draft out in the winter, but I don’t ask for funding. ‘One of the rounds from a hunting rifle would go right through [a patrol car],‘ said Webster. ‘It doesn’t really provide any ballistic protection for our members. By contrast, all six sides of the eight-ton BearCat are armoured, including the windows. Built on a commercial truck chassis, BearCats are easy to drive, Webster said, and at 2.5 metres wide they fit on most city roads.’

I guess they’ll expand the rest of the roads that don’t come into ‘most.’ ‘They cost about $68 to fuel up, Webster said, estimating their annual operating cost to the city will be about $4,000 each.‘ Ha-ha-ha. ‘In addition to their swivel roof-top escape hatches — which double as shields against gunfire –the BearCats are equipped with anti-lock brakes, air-conditioning, cup holders…’

That’s for their Tim Horton’s coffee. ‘…and an AM-FM radio and CD player. There is enough seating for 10 people inside.‘ But they don’t have a color TV, do they? ‘However, criminologist David MacAlister said Monday such vehicles might not be good for public perception of the police force.‘ I don’t even know if there’s a public perception anymore. I really don’t think the people think much at all. ‘No doubt devices like this are handy,’ said MacAlister, a professor at Simon Fraser University. ‘But personally, I think it’s going down the wrong road. I think it’s just the increased militarization of policing…‘ That’s what it is. You don’t have to think it. It is. ‘…and taking police away from the close connection that they’ve had with the community historically. Armoured trucks, he said, send out a strong message: ‘It’s almost the antithesis of foot patrol and bike patrol and community policing stations. ‘I don’t think it does a whole lot in terms of fostering good police relations when the public starts to see the police, in essence, [as] an armoured force.‘”

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