The Rothschild and the Vatican (2)

What were the reactions to the loan between the Rothschild and the Vatican?

Following the transaction, there were bitter criticisms of Pope Gregory XVI in the Christian community, especially among Catholics. Nearly all of these criticisms focused on the Rothschilds’ Jewish heritage. According to the French romantic poet Alfred de Vigny, “a Jew now reigns over the Pope and Christianity. He pays monarchs and buys nations.” He purchases nations and pays monarchs.” Young Germany movement member and convert from Judaism to Lutheranism Ludwig Börne once said, “A wealthy Jew kisses his hand, while a poor Christian kisses the Pope’s feet. The Rothschilds are assuredly nobler than their ancestor Judas Iscariot. He sold Christ for 30 small pieces of silver: the Rothschilds would buy Him, if He were for sale.”

Another well-known instance is the reference to the loan in Giuseppe Gioachino Belli’s sonnet Er motivio de li guai. The Pope was even worse for Belli, who thought the Pope was a weak man who had “sold both Rome and the State” and was therefore unfit to wear the papal robes. Belli found the Rothschilds to be extremely offensive.

In July 1834, Cardinal Antonio Tosti was named by Pope Gregory XVI as the new Apostolic Camera, or Papal Treasurer, in Rome. Tosti tried to refinance Egypt’s debt on more favorable terms, taking into account the state of the stock market and a recent offer from Rothschild to do so. However, Rothschild was against the early refinance, fearing losses for his own bank and a bad reputation for Vatican bond issuances.

In an attempt to improve circumstances, Tosti made contact with several Parisian banks that were active on the Paris Bourse and competed with the Rothschilds because of their self-serving commercial opposition to a Rothschild monopoly in the financial industry. While Ignatius Balla, a Hungarian-Jewish author of The Romance of the Rothschilds (1913), later claimed that Cardinal Tosti’s motivation stemmed from “no doubt sectarian reasons,” it should be noted that the six competing banks were primarily Protestant or Swiss, with a small Jewish minority. Among them were the following: Banque J. A. Blanc, Colin et Compagnie, Banque Gabriel Odier & Compagnie, Banque Wells & Compagnie, Banque J. A. Blanc, Banque André & Cottier, and Banque Fould-Oppenheim & Cie.

The most influential of these rivals of the Rothschilds on the Paris Bourse was a Swedish Lutheran named Jonas-Philip Hagerman, who had previously owned a bank in Genoa. He had previously accomplished a similar feat by assisting in the acquisition of a French government loan for the Kingdom of Sardinia, which gave the deal to the six banks while avoiding the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds, who had up until that point insisted they were untouchable, had struck back by forcing a decline in Parisian government bonds, which caused the price of the Sardinian bonds to drop below what they had originally agreed upon. When Cardinal Tosti proposed the idea of Roman bonds, the Banque André & Cottier and others were eager to pursue it and sent the Livorno merchant Vincent Nolte to confirm their interest, even though this counterattack hurt the Rothschilds rivals.

The Rothschilds had not been notified of any of this; it had all been done quietly. However, suspicions were raised when representatives of the Rothschild banking family in Naples discovered that one of the “six banks” of Paris had been in Rome. Carl Mayer von Rothschild, having learned of the situation, decided to travel to Rome in order to speak with Cardinal Tosti and obtain the truth about the situation.

A copy of the original 5% contract, signed by Rothschild and Torlonia (prior to Tosti’s involvement in Papal finance), was produced by him while he was there. It contained a clause that was kept a secret up until that point: the Holy See could not approach another company for a new loan without first notifying the Rothschilds and giving them priority if the other company offered equal terms to its competitors.

Initially, the six Parisian companies were thinking of trying to offer conditions that would hurt their own interests if the Rothschilds tried to match them. Ultimately, though, the two parties made up and agreed on the new loan terms.

If the Rothschild controls the Catholic Church’s finances, then it is obvious that the Rothschild control the whole thing and have corrupted Catholicism and the Catholic Church.

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