The Degiorgios’ statement that Yorgen Fenech is not involved in Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder. Will the true mastermind and his cronies, please, stand up?

The local media published a series of articles in the last two months related to the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia and the ongoing court case where businessman Yorgen Fenech is being accused of being the mastermind of such a murder.

We start with the article of Malta Today of 7th January 2024, where we read that George and Alfred Degiorgio are demanding that their trial by jury be held again because they claim that evidence from admissions from co-accused Vincent Muscat ‘il-Koħħu’ are all ‘lies.’

“In an affidavit signed by their lawyer, the two brothers, known respectively as ‘il-Fulu’ and ‘iċ-Ċiniż’, accused Muscat ‘il-Koħħu’ of having concocted a “story full of colour, to lie about everything to do with our alleged involvement. We never received any cash from Yorgen Fenech, for no reason; now, in connection with Daphne Caruana Galizia… we did not even know this person [Fenech] existed before the arrests started.”

“The Degiorgios stated that it was middleman Melvin Theuma, who has been granted a pardon to turn State’s evidence against the Tumas magnate and suspected mastermind Yorgen Fenech, who spoke to his friends of his role in the Caruana Galizia assassination. ‘We know this from people… from high-ranked police officers at the Depot [that Theuma] was namedropping people who were not being investigated, but never Yorgen Fenech.'”

The Degiorgio brothers also said that Theuma’s and Muscat’s versions to the police do not match up and that they declare that “Theuma never mentioned to us Yorgen Fenech, but always someone prominent in the government with an office in Valletta. We never heard of Fenech at the time, and the money paid to us had to be collected from a prominent office of the government in Valletta, as told to us by Theuma.”

Is this prominent office of the government in Valletta that of the former OPM Chief of Staff, by any chance? Is it that of Keith Schembri?

For the popolin of pea-brain logic, these two brothers continue to lie, and their stories are too far-fetched. They cannot even use their pea-brain logic to understand that there has been obstruction of justice while Lady Justice walks back and forth between the building with the stairs and a few other buildings in Valletta. The die-hard Labourites think that these two would do anything to get a pardon, which means they would even resort to inventing.

I say the opposite. I say they have nothing to lose. The die-hard Labourites and the Joseph Muscat crowd must instead ask why Joseph Muscat gave a pardon to Theuma and ‘il-Koħħu’ while the Degiorgios, who have their hands full in the murder, surely know all the truth.

If the money paid to the Degiorgios had to be collected from a prominent government office in Valletta as Theuma claimed, this would suggest that no money was transferred from Yorgen Fenech to the two Degiorgio brothers in Theuma’s possession. Theuma is lying and breaking his pardon, and the court should remove him from office and charge him with being a murder accomplice.

A number of high-ranking officials, including those in the police force, are beginning to perspire uncontrollably before justice is done.

The truth will always catch those who commit the crime.

I repeat what I stated in a past blog of last year, and I stand by my God-given discernment—it does not take an ounce of intelligence to understand that Yorgen Fenech is not the mastermind in Daphne’s murder and he is not involved, and the Degiorgios have now directly said this.

What does the anti-Yorgen Fenech cabal have to say? Will the mastermind and his cronies please stand up so that they bring an end to this charade and the Maltese nation can be liberated from the tentacles of such a curse?

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