My plea to President George Vella to exercise and extend the powers given by the Constitution, to intervene in the ongoing trial of the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia

Dear H.E. Dr. George Vella, the mastermind/s and all those involved in the brutal murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia are still running free. Having such a high criminal network with high-profile criminals amongst us does not augur well for the people and the whole nation. It is an evil octopus whose tentacles are holding Malta and its nation in a curse. This was a brutal murder that shook the world.

As long as they roam free, neither Malta nor the Maltese people are freed.

Malta deserves better.

The Maltese people deserve better.

This is not a matter of blue and red. This is a matter of a nation whose streets were flooded with rivers of blood. Let’s have crystal clear rivers flowing, from which a whole nation can drink and rejoice in spiritual blessings.

As long as we have this criminal network and its tentacles, our court and the justice system are compromised. Our institutions are not functioning.

I ask you and beg you, from my heart, to exercise and extend the powers given to you by the Constitution to intervene.

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