The new ‘temporary emergency energy plant’ shows that the Labour government, the MEPs and the media have been lying to you

Newsbook reported that Enemalta is racing against time to build ’emergency’ plant to prevent summer outages, so to “avert a recurrence of last summer’s power outages, as it struggles to ensure a stable energy supply during peak summer months.” Enemalta CEO stated that without this emergency plant, Enemalta is not in a position to guarantee electricity.

Thus, the company is planning for a “new 60MW ‘temporary’ diesel-powered ’emergency plant’ in Delimara, acknowledging its inability to guarantee the nation’s energy security without this crucial addition.’

This, dear readers, means so many things which cannot help but make you smile [and worry] while you understand that the government and its mouthpiece, the media, have been lying to you.

First, this means that the government and the media have indirectly acknowledged that climate change is a hoax. Didn’t they blame the heatwave as one of the reasons why Malta experienced a shameful situation where Maltese people in various localities suffered due to lengthy hours which stretched to days without electricity in their homes? Didn’t they tell us that the cables had melt because of the heat? During Summer, the government, MEPs like Dr Alfred Sant and the media trumpeted the climate change agenda, which makes you feel as if you are living in a desert, full of traffic, unlike what Dr Joseph Muscat said, ‘If you don’t want traffic, go to a desert.’

Second, didn’t the PL government change Malta’s electricity supply to a gas-powered one for a healthier environment, as part of another green policy? But this new emergency plant in Delimara will be diesel-powered. So, why is the Maltese nation being asked to scrap their diesel [and petrol] fueled cars to buy electric vehicles instead in order to save the environment when now it is fine to have an electricity emergency plant powered by diesel? Do you understand, dear Maltese nation, that you are being lied to? But then they reassure you that this project “will have minimal environmental repercussions.” This is what happens when politicians feed on lies in a country which is infested with fools in political and authoritative thrones who try to cover up their lies which thrive on poverty, misery, and discontent.

And yet, the Labour government has endorsed Climate Communism and is going ahead with its plan to have an authority for climate change.

And yet, Newsbook states that “this interim solution is intended to alleviate immediate concerns while awaiting the implementation of more sustainable, long-term initiatives, such as the construction of a second interconnector.” Lol. Tickle your belly, because their so-called sustainable solutions are failing big time!

The government then tried to shut your mouth up and make you content by sending a one-time payment for those affected by July blackouts. Money is always printed out of nowhere so that they cover up their mess while they keep you going round in the problem-reaction-solution loop which they themselves create. But they blame you, and the solution is always your sacrifice.

If we have to dig deeper in our critical thinking, doesn’t this proposal for an emergency plant show that the government is expecting more potential power shortages next Summer?

If we have to dig deeper in our critical thinking, doesn’t this proposal for an emergency plant show that the truth is coming out because the true reason is that the influx of foreigners, including asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, is causing infrastructural problems? But for Dr Muscat, foreigners come to Malta because there is work. Yes – shops, hotels, public transport, y-plates vehicles, i-gaming industries, are full of them. But they tell you that it is your fault, because you, dear Maltese nation, do not want to do such jobs related to such industries.

They refuse to acknowledge that the demand for electricity is much higher than a few years ago with the population rise thanks to foreigners. Instead of pointing at the agenda of the Kalergi Plan and seeing how to make Malta belong to the Maltese again, Nationalist MP Rebekah Borg criticized the government for ‘neglecting necessary infrastructure investments despite a significant increase in the country’s population over the past 11 years’ and its “failure to anticipate the growing energy demand resulting from population growth.’ The solution for the PN is not to see how to make Malta belong to the Maltese again, but for the government to invest in necessary infrastructure projects! The words ‘foreigners’, ‘asylum seekers’ and ‘illegal immigrants’ did not come out of Borg’s mouth. I am sure that Rebekah Borg knows that according to Eurostat data published last March, “Malta has the lowest fertility rate in Europe at 1.13 live births per woman.” But according to Times of Malta, “low fertility rates may not be a big issue – economist.”

You cannot make all this shit up, not even if you try.

Are you realizing by now how it works? The problem that they create is the influx of foreigners. The reaction is power-cuts because, rightly so, Malta’s infrastructure is made to sustain a small population of Maltese people, being a small island. What is the solution? Building a secondary plant.

And if you complain, Dr Muscat will tell you that “either you’re pleased with what you have or you want to progress, but if you want to progress you need money, and in government money comes from taxes. So you either need to increase taxes or grow the cake.”

What if this ‘temporary plant’ becomes a ‘permanent one’ and that thus, it will turn into an excuse for higher electricity and water bills! And if you complain, they will tell you to either be pleased with the new bills for the sake of your economy, or else they will increase taxes. All this when the problem was created by themselves in the first place.

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