Dr. Terry Mortenson on why the theory of evolution is a fraud and a lie (part two)

“So two different views for the origin and history of mankind and ape-like creatures. Now, it’s important to understand that everybody has the same data. They have the same evidence. They have the same fossils, the same DNA, the same living creatures to study. It doesn’t matter whether they are evolutionists or creationists. They have the same evidence to study. But the question is, ‘Which of those views fits the facts?”

And I want to begin by showing you something of what the evolutionists have to say and then we’re going to look at what the bible has to say. Now, one of the first creatures on the evolutionary tree leading to man is Australopithecus, ‘australo’ meaning southern, ‘pithecus’ meaning ape. So these are the southern apes and much of the evidence for the Australopithecines has come from east Africa, particularly Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. And the most famous Australopithecine is Lucy. How many of you have you ever heard of Lucy? Yeah, Lucy is more famous today than Eve. Donald Johansen was a PhD student at the University of Chicago. He and his team found the bones of Lucy in 1974.

They were not laid out in a nice, neat, orderly fashion like this, but they found about 25% of the skeleton, and because of the symmetry of the body they could reconstruct about 75%. Since then, other evolutionists have found other Australopithecine fossils and so they now have hand bones and feet bones.

So, this is how Lucy has been pictured in the Natural History Museum in London. I want you to notice that she has human hands, human feet, upright posture, just like you and I stand but an ape-like face:

There are even evolutionists who would say that that is a serious misrepresentation of the fossil evidence and that the truth is that she was a knuckle-walker similar to a bonobo or a pygmy chimp or gorilla and that’s the way that we have pictured her in our creation museum:

Well, that’s Lucy in London but now I want to show you Lucy in St. Louis because the St. Louis Zoo had a Lucy Exhibit for many years. And that’s Lucy in St. Louis:

Now, she’s got a little bit more hair, but she still has human hands, human feet, and upright posture but an ape-like face. And look at that face. Do you see the whites of the eyes? Those are human eyes. Apes don’t have eyes like that. Here are photographs of real apes:

And they have to really turn their eyes to the side for you to see any white in the eye. But here is an imaginary creature created by an evolutionary artist:

And just by putting human eyes into the picture, it makes it look more human. Well, that’s Lucy in London and in St. Louis but the Chicago Field Museum also has a Lucy exhibit. That’s Lucy in Chicago:

Now, she’s a little bit more robust and she has heavier eyebrow ridges but she still has human hands, human feet, upright posture, and an ape-like face. And then, that’s Lucy in a BBC television program in 2006:

Her face is completely different than the other three although she does have that unusual hairline but that’s because the BBC is in London and the Natural History Museum is in London so, they kind of got to have those match.

But then that’s Lucian’s Smithsonian magazine and Lucy in science – two of our leading science magazines:

So it’s just any way the artist wants to draw her.”

The lecture can be watched here.

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