Dr Joseph Muscat’s argument is one of arrogance which looks down on the Maltese people

It is hard to swallow that Dr Joseph Muscat was once the Prime Minister of Malta, when you hear him saying on an interview on F Living, “If you don’t want traffic, go to the desert. Australia has empty roads, and you can drive along them without encountering anyone.”

Besides being a stupid, defensive argument, it is one of sheer arrogance. Dr. Muscat looks down on the Maltese people, and in a nutshell, he is telling them that if they do not like how Malta has been turned to by their puppet politicians, they should leave.

Because what interests Dr. Muscat is to defend Malta’s economy. I would like to remind Dr. Muscat if he remembers his childhood during the eighties. Malta did not have an influx of foreigners working here. There were no industries like the I-gaming companies. There were no Chinese ‘massage’ parlours. There were no African and Chinese groceries. And yet, as far as I know, the economy did not fail. During these times, there was no traffic either, even though the population did have cars.

Then came the PN to inform us that there was an alleged problem, which was the economy. The reaction was that the women needed to be empowered by a career and start contributing to the economy. The cost of living kept on rising, so there was no way for women to stop working. Nowadays, a married couple needs to have both men and women working if they want to survive. And what was the solution? The solution was to flood Malta with foreigners. Both PL and PN tell you that foreigners are contributing to your pension. Do you see how they drive agendas, which are injected slowly over a span of years on nations?

This is a big, fat lie.

According to Muscat, foreigners come to Malta because there is work. No. There is work for them. Work is created for them. Opportunities are created for them, turning the Maltese into third-country citizens in their own country. There isn’t work for the Maltese people or if there is, they are offered peanut salaries. I would like to inform Dr Muscat if he is aware that the middle-class is finding it hard to make ends meet with a full-time job. So, some try to find a part-time employment. They won’t find any in various industries because they are taken up by foreigners.

Muscat said that during COVID-19 there wasn’t work and they left. We praise the Lord and sing halleluljah! But now, post COVID-19, we are at a worse scenario. And no, I do not think that all of them left, Dr. Muscat. They stayed at home while they received money from the government of which you were part of.

The majority of foreigners are gifted with a subsidiary aid which amounts to €150 weekly which is increased according to the amount of children they have. This is a way to incentive foreigners to give birth to children here. Moreover, many of them work illegally in the construction industry which means that they are not paying their N.I. contribution. The rest who do, send the majority of their income to their families abroad and the government even gifted them with the opportunity to send their N.I. contribution abroad.

Dr Muscat, you described the economy as a ‘cake’ which you made your goal as a Prime Minister to expand or else, you would have had to increase taxes. Do you realize, dear readers, that whatever they do is always sold to you for your benefit and that you have to accept anything, because if not, their other solution will make your life worse? This is how they demoralize you: by giving you the least worst option from which you cannot get out. And let us not forget the corrupt deals that they sign behind your back. There was money to rob the people to give away millions to the Vitals/Stewards Hospital Deal, but then there isn’t enough money to improve the livelihoods of the Maltese people. Instead, they are robbed, from their taxes, but then they are told that in order for the same corrupt government not to increase their taxes, they need to live in a chaotic, stressful country, full of foreigners. How disgusting and what utter double-standards!

Dr Muscat you forgot to state one thing. Once, while being interviewed you said that ‘The end justifies the means’. This reminded me of a quote by Georges Bernanos which states, ‘The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means.

I hope that the Maltese crowd understands that politics is its enemy.

In this interview, Dr Muscat has showed that he is looking down on the Maltese people and that there is no sense of empathy towards them. Malta is being turned into another Dubai, and if you, Maltese nation, do not want to get stuck in traffic, stand up and leave and go to the desert.

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