On a radio podcast, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains how Satan has engulfed the churches and taken them away to hell

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel does not beat around the bush. He proclaims Jesus and His word without sugarcoating anything. It does not matter if you dislike him, hate him, or mock him. As beloved true Christians, we are not here to entertain people or to debate opinions. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel preaches and magnifies Jesus and His teachings while exposing false teaching.

In this piece, we see what he had to say on the podcast by Patrick Bet-David and Vincent Oshana as they discussed Pope Francis’s stance on LGBTQ issues, climate change, and demasculinizing the Catholic Church, together with the consequences that these will have on Catholicism.

Patrick Bet-David: “What do you think about that part where the leaders of many of these churches are caving to being too tolerant and acceptance of everything and let anybody, I mean, the Pope just had a group of transgenders over, at the, what do you call it, like a lunch, and then he’s saying we need to be asking theologians to emasculate the Catholic church. He urges religions to unite against environmental devastation. A lot of these weird things that he’s saying which is a ‘let’s be more tolerant, let’s be more tolerant, let’s be more tolerant.’ So, do you think that could be one of the reasons why the church isn’t growing the way that it used to be?

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel: “Absolutely. The Lord Jesus, if we were to compare Him to any other religious figure. I just want to come back to this point where you said ‘Islam is growing and Christianity is not.’ If we were to compare, even though there is no comparison, but let us compare them for a moment, with other religious figures, with all love and respect. Let’s say Islamism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, and all the religions of the world and all the leaders of those religions, let’s say the ultimate they could have achieved in their life, in relation to humanity, they would have probably achieved the ultimate by changing a bad person into a good person, by bringing some values, morals, and whatever they brought with. So, they would have changed a bad person into a good person. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, all glory to His holy name, He did not come to change a bad person into a good person. He came to change a dead person into a living one. In this, there is no comparison. Jesus Christ stands supreme alone and high up there, beyond any other religious figure. The problem, dear Patrick, the problem of the church leaders is one thing. The beginning, the very beginning with Christ, a relationship with Christ, begins with death. He said ‘Carry my cross and follow Me.’ And this is why I meant to say when He said ‘My house is the house of prayer and you’ve turned it into a den of thieves.’ What’s associated with Christ is glory. And what is Christ’s glory? The cross. What is the cross? Death. What is death? Self-denial. This is the human dilemma. We cannot deny ourselves. Why? Because I need to give up on the things I love, I want to do, I choose to do. For me to give up on them, I cannot. It’s a struggle. But the Lord says ‘Unless I live in you, and no longer is you, you cannot make it.’ When the church leader puts himself on the throne and make himself seen to the congregation and to the faithful, he’s lost himself, he’s lost the flock with him. He needs to reflect Christ to the congregation, not himself. A leader that makes followers love him, not Christ, is a failure. But the leader that makes the followers love Christ through him, that is a successful leader. Today, leaders are sitting on those thrones, and by the way that throne is Christ’s. It’s not mine. All of us were in the pigs’ field. Who brought me out of that pigs’ field? Who brought me out of the filth of the world and the temptation of the world? The blood of the lamb of God, who was shed on calvary. Now when I look at the cross, that is the power of God. This is the ultimate love. When I give my life for the one I love. And we see this love illustrated in a very, sort of small level, at parenthood level. Parents. If I ask a father or a mother why are you working so hard? What are you trying to do? I’m running, I’m doing this, I’m working 24/7 non-stop because I want to provide a good future for my children. I want them to be healthy. I want them to be prosperous, and successful. I am devoting my time and sacrificing that time which is life, for my children, for their well-being. Why are you doing this? Is this weakness? No, this is the hearth of strength and power – when you give your life for the one you love. The problem with the church is the moment the leader is seen not Christ, there is no power in that leader, there is no power in that church. The current of the world will wash her away, and this is what we’re seeing now. When plandemic hit, I always say this, I always say this – I’m not judging, if anything I’m judging myself – I’m not judging, God is the judge – but it hurts me so deeply and so profoundly. The Lord Jesus has been crying out from calvary on the cross for over 1600 years for the church to be united in Him, for the church to be united in Him. You see, all these different factions, Catholics, Orthodoxy, or Eastern and Oriental; you see Protestant branches, thousands of branches in there, the Lord is saying ‘unite, unite, unite’. Till this very moment, we haven’t put a smile on the Lord’s face by uniting in His name. But when the vaccine came, when the plandemic came, all the church leaders spoke the same language. Amazing. We did not unite for Christ but we united for Satan. Now to me, Christ is missing. Christ is missing. You know, certain people came out and spoke about what was happening in the world – I know their backgrounds – it doesn’t take a genius to figure out who these people are and what their backgrounds are. How come someone in this influential position who is well-educated and well-informed, and embedded in Scriptures and other fields, you do not know where this is coming from? You do not know? But for you to be silent and not only silent – I wish they were silent – but they were supporting and encouraging and standing on that pulpit and encouraging the flock to follow suit. For me, this is total denial of Jesus Christ in the making and that’s why Satan has engulfed the churches and took it away hell.”

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