What are Dr Fearne and the local health authorities doing to cater for sudden and inexplicable health issues post Covid-19 vaccine roll out?

The mafia medical industry is not after your health. It is just another industry that makes billions of money off of sick people, which it keeps and makes sick for a racket of profit. So how did anyone out there expect that it was selling you ‘vaccines’ with the aim of keeping you off sickness?

So, are the local health authorities catering to the health issues that the vaccinated are now suffering from due to the experimental and deadly COVID-19 vaccine? Or are they being left to fend for themselves because now no medical help is available because only God knows the ingredients of these vaccines!?

Dr. Fearne, after promoting these deadly and experimental vaccines to the nation, are you now seeing to making available cures for the serious and severe ailments that they are procuring, or are you leaving the patients to fend for themselves? Do you know the ingredients of these vaccines, Dr. Fearne?

Is Mater Dei staff enquiring with these patients if they are vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines? Is staff now realising what is going on?

Here is a case that a mother posted on the Facebook page: ‘Ommijiet nghinu lil xulxin’ [Mothers helping each other]. Unfortunately the mother did not specify if her son is vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, because some cannot still link the vaccine to the issues that are suddenly popping up. But shouldn’t we start doing the math?

[Please post this for me. I am writing here so hopefully you know of a very good professor as I feel I am going insane! I have a 13-year-old son who was very energetic, playing and jumping non-stop. He suffers from ADHD and ODD and anxiety but thank God he is on medication which so far helped him. A month and three weeks ago he had a slight cough and I took him to the doctor who prescribed syrup for him. After two days he started to feel weak and dizzy and he started to feel his legs heavy and the child’s walk changed; it was no longer normal. He started complaining of sore throat so I took him to the doctor again who told me that his throat is red and thus prescribed Zinnat antibiotics of 250mg. These antibiotics did not cause any allergic reaction to him, so they are not the cause. My son now has lost all his strength. I have to keep him all the time on the bed because as soon as he tries to come down to walk, he falls. After two days he lost consciousness and fell to the ground. When he regained consciousness and I started talking to him, all he told me was that he did not know where he was. His lips turned purple and started shaking. He has undergone some blood tests at hospital in which he was kept under observation and was done a CT scan, an eye check-up and arteries. Everything is fine. The professor who gave him a visit did not like the way he was walking at all so she ordered an MRI and an NCV test. The CT scan showed that he has sinus and that his brain is blocked. He was again prescribed three other types of medicine! When I was back to the ward where my son was being kept, I told them that the ENT professor gave a specific order to have an MRI and NCV test booked but I was told that I can take my son back home so that he is healed with the medications given. They refused to book an MRI and NCV test. When I left hospital I went back to our doctor and informed him what is happening to my son. When the doctor was doing some tests, like watching him walk, standing upright and closing his eyes, my son started falling backwards, that is, without any balance! Back home we started the given medication by hospital! Three days passed and my son’s health remained the same. I took him to a professor who gave him two different pills for a whole month so to tackle the blockage that he had in his brain. With those pills, the dizziness stopped. But my son still could not run and walk normally and he goes up the stairs one by one like when you have a child who is still learning how to go up the stairs, when my son used to go up these stairs in threes while jumping! So I took him back to the professor who advised that it’s best that I take him to hospital so that he can undergo an MRI and have an NVC test done because he cannot do anything! Back to hospital he had blood tests done again. Everything turned fine and the doctor told me that it was useless to have him kept at hospital because they cannot do anything before an appointment is done with the professor! Until I received the appointment from hospital, I took him three times to other doctors but they do not have a clue of what is going on! Once we went for the hospital’s appointment, he had another blood test done, and an ECG. From the ECG it resulted that he has a fast heartbeat. From the blood test, they found that the Vitamin D is a bit low so he was prescribed vitamin D. Now the professor told me that he does not have anything when this one neither did an MRI nor used a specific kind of machine for 24hours to check his heart. If there is nothing wrong with him, why isn’t he walking like before? He is all the time repeating that he feels sick, he feels his legs heavy, he can hardly go up the stairs and I have to stay with him or else he falls to the ground! I am not even sending him to school because there has to be someone monitoring him all the time and he is not in a good condition to attend school. I am sorry I wrote in length but I do not know what to do next and where can I take him. I am very worried that I do not have any result of the causes while seeing my son lying helplessly in bed when he was full of strength. I am trying to make him walk but he is not feeling very well. Please keep me in your prayers so that God can show us the way. I thank you for any helpful message that will be sent.]

According to a Facebook user, the above is not the first of its kind that he is hearing of:

What will happen to all those vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines who are suffering from ailments about which nothing can be done?

Dr Fearne, since you are with the WHO, do you have anything to say to these people?

What could have gone wrong after the COVID-19 vaccines’ roll-out?

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