Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains why Churches have gone woke – part one

Here is an interview which youtuber of ‘Lazy Intellectuals’ Emmanuel Romanous did with Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel about what he thinks about the fact that Churches, including the Catholic Church, going woke:

Host Emmanuel Romanous: “So you actually touched on something that I wanted to talk about. You mentioned the Christian growth rates versus other religious growth rates. And so, statistics show that Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion.

And I actually did an interview previously with His Holiness Mar Awa III and I asked him what is a way that we can market Christianity in today’s time. The reason I asked that is because of the following: that Islam is growing at a faster rate than other religions such as Christianity itself. It will soon outpace Christianity as the biggest religion in the world and to his fairness His Holiness gave an answer that I wasn’t expecting. So, I can break it down really quickly. The majority of Assyrians today have an Arab influence to them in the way that they think because of simply the region in which we reside and the influences that surrounded us, we have developed an Arab mindset. And so, to credit to Islam, they are unwavering in their traditions and their beliefs regardless of how much criticism it gets. But we see it today in this culture especially in America and western societies where as Patrick Bet-David says ‘The Christians are too tolerant now’. He doesn’t like the tolerant Christians now because we’re hanging up the rainbow flags in the churches;

we’re allowing women preachers and pastors to come into the churches. And now, you even see the Catholic Church which by the way I was baptized as a Catholic. I’m no longer saying that I’m a Catholic. I’m saying I am a follower of Christ now because simply, I don’t know if you heard about this, they have recently started baptizing transgender people. So it became very apparent to me that a lot of Christian sects will think that to get the masses on their side they must appeal to a minority of people who are the loudest. That shows me that you’re unwavering in your true beliefs.

But His Holiness said ‘It is not our responsibility or our power to change the way that we teach the Bible that Christ gave us.’ So, I thought about it and I wanted to ask you ‘What ways can we market Christianity better so that it becomes the world’s fastest growing religion again or the biggest growing religion again and getting the right people to follow the way that we believe is the correct way to get into heaven and not compromise those traditional values and institutions and rules that God gave us from Jesus Christ?”

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel: “Okay. Let me say this to everyone who is watching, who is listening. I will put my life on the line and I will never blink twice about it that Jesus Christ is the only true living God that was revealed in the flesh over 2000 years ago. He was crucified. He was buried. And he rose from the dead on the third day, ascended to heaven and sat at the right hand of His father and He will come again to judge everyone – the dead and the living. For this, I will never ever go back on it. I will never ever hesitate to proclaim it, to profess it, to acknowledge it, to confess it, that Jesus Christ is my Lord, my God, my Savior, my Redeemer,. He is the son of God and he is God Himself at the same time who was revealed in the flesh. The problem, the problem of the Church in the 21st century – you see, when we become familiar with the Holy scriptures, when we become familiar with the Holy Bible, and let me take you more so specifically to the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament and of the entire Holy Bible, the Lord Jesus pre-warned us what will happen to His beloved bride, the Church. And He spoke, when you read in Revelation Chapter 2 and 3, when it talks about the seven churches in Asia, but the seven churches we don’t take them as seven churches but they are the seven stages which the only beloved Church of Christ, because the Lord has only one church, since the church is His body, then His body is one, that’s why His church is one. But this one beloved Church will go through seven stages until His second coming. So, the Lord did pre-warn us what will happen to his beloved Church. All the names that you see in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 are of Greek origin. It begins with Ephesus and ends up with Le Odikia. Now Ephesus means ‘the beloved one’. Le Odikia – the rebellious one. So, the Lord did say and pre-told us that in the end of times, my Church would have walked away from me and denied me. Why?”

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