A nurse practitioner, who was raised by a pediatrician, shares her story about birth and childhood vaccines – part two

“I was trying to find studies showing that children who were on delayed schedules of vaccines had worse outcomes than children who received them on the CDC schedule. Well, no shocker…I COULDN’T FIND ANY!! And you know how it goes, once you start researching it takes you down so many rabbit holes…some that you don’t even want to go down they are so dark.

Vaccines became my new obsession and I would procrastinate doing my grad school work because I had found another amazing documentary to watch or book to read on vaccines. And it’s interesting, during my research for vaccines, I also came to believe many other things I had learned from western medicine were incorrect. So much so, that my friends in school lovingly called me the “voo doo nurse practitioner” and they would ask me all of the time on advice for natural solutions for peoples health problems. But interestingly enough, when the topic of vaccines came up, all of a sudden, I lost all of my credibility and my friends would say “well now you’ve taken this whole natural thing too far”.

I went from “all vaccines for everybody” to “well, maybe not everybody should get every vaccine” to “well, i think vaccines used to be safe, but now there are just too many and it’s not safe” to “How could ANYONE think that vaccines are a good idea? And I will NEVER give my children another vaccine and if that means we have to move or I need to home school them, then so be it”.

If I could go back in time, my children would have gotten ZERO vaccines and I would have rejoiced knowing that I was doing the best thing I could to hep protect my children. But it took me a full YEAR to get there. All of my family (except my husband) thinks I have totally lost my mind and I am perfectly okay with that.”

X (Formerly Twitter)