When a child porn trader was arrested in Bill Gates’s mansion

When doing research on the Elite paedophile ring, somehow everything goes in circles with same names popping up.

So we had the notorious paedophile Jimmy Savile and his close friendship with the British royal family and the former UK prime minister Margaret Thatcher.

We have seen how Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is also surrounded by paedophile friends.

We have seen how “for example, Bill Clinton’s faith healer, the Brazilian John of God, was arrested for keeping sex slaves and making them pregnant, over and over again. He had also admitted for selling the babies for thousands of dollars and killing the slave mothers after ten years of giving birth.”

We have seen how the name of Bill Clinton is on the list as having often visited the Orgy Island of another paedophile and sex abuser, Jeffrey Epstein.

And so it happens, that back in December of 2014 “police arrested a Seattle man at Bill Gates and Melinda Gates’ mansion for allegedly collecting more than 6,000 child rape photos. Rick Allen Jones, reportedly employed as an engineer at the Gates’ home, is also accused of trading pornography images via Gmail.” He was charged with possession of child pornography.

According to King Country prosecutors, the 51-year-old Jones had been collecting child porn for a decade. It was back in 2013 when investigators started looking for him and they finally tracked him down in March after he shared a suspicious image through Gmail.

“After failing to find Jones at his Ballard apartment, police found later found him at the estate.”

While Jones was talking to detectives at the Gates’ estate, three more detectives had a search warrant for Jones’ Ballard apartment, where they found more than “6,000 images of graphic child porn and rape, 133 of which were children identified by police.”

According to the media portal, “Jones has not been jailed, but he is ordered to stay away from all children.” Why? Isn’t this a huge crime?

The media portal also added that “none of this alleged crime actually happened at the Gates mansion.” Of course, or else even the vaccine industry hero Bill Gates will be in trouble. And even if this is true, didn’t Bill Gates know that one of his employees was a paedophile?

When it comes to the Elite Paedophile ring, we go round and round in circles, and in the middle we go round the same names, and if we back out again, we see the whole picture becoming clearer.

How many ‘coincidences’ do we have to add until it becomes mathematically impossible?

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