Father Altman responds to his critics and sticks to his guns that Pope Francis is not the pope (2)

“Then there’s pushback over the conclusion stated. So, let us begin today’s meditation on how Bergoglio should get Jesus’s great millstone treatment which is gospel truth from the mouth of our Lord Himself. So, with the words of St John the Baptist still ringing in our heads, quote: ‘when he saw many of the Pharisees and Saducees coming to his baptism, he warned them you brood of vipers who warned you to flee from the coming wrath, produce good fruit as evidence of your repentence’. With those words ringing in our heads, let us begin our meditation by hearing again exactly what I said in that video ten days ago. Quote: ‘memo to Bergoglio in every American Cardinal, I accepted Cardinal Burke. When you die, and it won’t be long, they are all old, and you meet Jesus Christ the Lord, beside Him will be standing St. Tarcissus, whom you know defended the Holy Eucharist unto death. A thirteen-year-old boy beaten to death defending the Holy Eucharist from sacrilege. So, beside Him will be standing St. Tarcissus, St Charles Lwanga but, oh, I just did this. Well, just today, well it was about 2 a.m., I didn’t realise, this is an aside, I didn’t realise that there was an actual picture of St. Charles Lwanga’s companions. I thought it was so long ago that there was no such thing as a picture. Let me tell you something. When I gazed upon that saint, and all those young men, who were brutally martyred, because they refused to acquiesce to the king’s homosexual advances, I was stunned. When you look at this new whole Synod on sodomy and you put that next to the picture of St. Charles Lwonga and his companions, do you see the truth when I say beside Jesus will be standing St. Tarcissus, St Charles Lwanga and his companions and St Robert Bellarmine and they will block the entrance and watch you Jorge Bergoglio fall to your eternal damnation into the unquenchable fires of hell? That’s how Jesus described it. I’m not making that up. I’m not trying to be over explicit. Not trying to be over dramatic there. Those are the words of Jesus. Unquenchable fires of hell, to witness back to the quote from that video ten days ago, to which I only can say, out of love and concern for the eternal souls, you Jorge Bergoglio are leading astray, cannot happen soon enough. End of quote.

But, dear family, a lot of people had a lot to say about a lot of things they know nothing about. And those who criticise those words are among them. A lot of them say, I’ve heard it, ‘Oh Father Altman, you’re so angry.’ He needs to stop sounding so angry. So first let us dispel the absurdity of that complaint with a quote from the greatest American bishop ever – the venerable Fulton J. Sheen – quote – ‘Real love involves real hatred. Whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the buyers and sellers from the temples, has also lost a living fervent love of truth. Charity then is not a mild philosophy of live and let live. It is not a species of sloppy sentiment. Charity is the infusion of the spirit of God which makes us love the beautiful and hate the morally ugly.’ So to all those who complain that I sound angry, Amen, Amen I say to you, the truth is that I am not too angry. The truth is I am not angry enough. And if you are not righteously angry beyond measure, you are the problem. In a temporal sense you are the problem because something like six to eight billion dollars of your money has been paid because so many in the hierarchy permitted and promoted boy rapists and cover up artists like Bergoglio did with McCarrick, with Farrell and Danneels, you are the problem because you are not angry enough.”

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