The doorknob ‘suicide’ victims

In June 2018, Dolores Zorreguieta’s and Maxima’s youngest sister, Ines Zorreguieta was found dead in her apartment, hung with a scarf to the door knob.

Door knobs have proven to be lethal for quite some people in a span of years. I had published a series titled “The paedophile ring of the Elite and the doorknob suicides of celebrities.”

Death by hanging from a doorknob has a significant symbolic meaning that intelligence agencies immediately recognize: it means choked for speaking out against the cabal.

In other words, it is not suicide by it is murder. Was Ines Zorreguieta going to speak out against the cabal? Was she silenced? Let us have a look at more victims of such doorknob ‘suicides’:

On 17th March 2014, L’Wren Scott fashion designer and former girlfriend of Nathan Rotschild, one of the world’s wealthiest families, was found hanged to a doorknob. According to a long time lover Mick Jagger, L’Wren was not suicidal.

On 18th May 2017, Chris Cornell lead singer of the bands Sound Garden and Audio Slave was also found dead, hung to a doorknob.

According to his family, he suffered from depression due to being sexually abused as a child. He and his wife founded The Chris & Vicky Cornell Foundation to support children suffering the consequences of abuse and neglect. He and his best friend, Chester Bennington, were working on exposing an Elite Paedophile ring. Cornell was also the main financial backer of the documentary The Silent Children, about child sex trafficking.

After he died, the project was cancelled. According to his family, Cornell was not suicidal at the time of his death. An interesting detail is that contradicting the suicide theory, was the blood that was found on his head and on his ground. Was Cornell killed being struck on the head and strangulation by means of his exercise belt?

Cornell’s best friend, Chester Bennington, and lead singer of Linkin Park, was also found dead on 20th July 2017.

Bennington also suffered from depression due to a sexual abuse he suffered as a child from a friend of the family. According to some sources, that friend of the family was John Podesta, and when you look at the striking resemblance, Podesta could well be Chester’s biological father.

When Chester was nine years old, his father abandoned the family after finding out that the boy was not his son. Was John Podesta both the paedophile family friend and the biological father of Chester Bennington? If this is the case, wasn’t the sexual abuse incest? Is it a coincidence that the logo of Pennington’s band, Linkin Park, look like a broken version of the young boy lover symbol?

On 20th April 2018, Tim Bergling, known as Avicii in the scene of music, being a world famous Swedish dj, musician, and record producer, was found dead.

According to the first news about his apparent suicide, Bergling had hung himself from a doorknob. Later on the narrative changed into self-inflicted cuts from a wine bottle that led to his heavy and fatal bleeding. It took almost two weeks for this official narrative to be published. Bergling’s 2015 video for his song ‘A better day’, clearly and obviously showed child sex trafficking.

At the end of the clip, Bergling turns out to play the part of the abused boy, now a grown up and ready to make revenge on his abusers. Did he actually experience this horrific fate in his childhood? Was he murdered for bringing this out into the open? Bergling’s family believe he did commit suicide. Yet his girlfriend expressed disbelief.

On 12th July 2018, Annabelle Neilson, former wife of Nathan Rotschild, who had also lost L’Wren Scott through hanging, was found dead too. According to her family, she died of a stroke. But according to her friends, she was found hanging by a scarf from a doorknob. Two suicide door knobs of two former partners of Nathan Rotschild of the elitist family Rotschild surround the family. Interesting!

On 11th January 2018, Aaron Swartz, a computer programmer and activist for internet freedom, for which he founded Demand Progress and Reddit, was found dead after hacking into MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and JSTOR (Journals Primary Sources Books).

He was arrested and charged for computer fraud. However, one week after his alleged suicide, it became apparent that Swartz had leaked the hacked documents to Wikileaks. One can only speculate as to the contents.

On 5th June 2018, Kate Spade, an American fashion designer was also found dead.

Spade led allegations to Haiti for the No Ceilings initiative of the Clinton Foundation, aimed at the global support for women and girls. Haiti is one of the main places on earth for child trafficking and we have already seen the involvement of the Clintons in this. What did Kate Spade know that led to her death? Why did her husband Andy appear in public, two days after her death, wearing a rat mask? Was Kate about to rat, to betray the Clintons? Was Andy Spade forced to wear the mask, as a warning to others who might just rat?

On 8th June 2018, Anthony Bourdain, a celebrity chef, tv presenter, and author was also found dead.

He openly criticised Hillary Clinton on multiple occasions. He spoke up strongly against globalisation and strongly hoped Henry Kissinger will be called out for the war crimes he committed.

Bourdain had been to the paedophile island of Haiti to shoot an episode for his tv programme No Reservations. A month before his death, he posted a tweet abut the wrat of Hillary Clinton he had experienced.

Then another tweet followed, which was more appalling:

And then, Bourdain died a sudden and unexpected death.

What are we dealing with here?

X (Formerly Twitter)