On witches and warlocks: Dolores Zorreguieta

The below photo is particulary interesting for the Dutch readers. Before Willem Alexander became king of the Netherlands, his mother Beatrix was on the throne who frequented Marina Abravomic’s performances.

Beatrix frequented Abramovic’s performances.

On one particular occasion, she seems to be wearing a brooch that resembles a pizza slice. Is this far-fetched?

Well, Willem-Alexander married Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti in 2002. She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and is the daughter of Jorge Zorreguieta, who served as a Secretary of Agriculture under General Jorge Rafael Videla during Argentina’s last civil-military dictatorship between 1976 and 1983, or the so-called Dirty War. Máxima had four sisters and two brothers. One of her sisters is Dolores Zorreguieta, another artist who came to the Netherlands in 2005 to exhibit her work in an exhibition called Love Romance. And this is her work:

Do you see any love and romance in this exhibition? Don’t you think and feel that this is a severely traumatised woman who is crying out for help, through her work?

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