Malta follows the divine-and-conquer strategy: the Arabic Culture Information Society’s protest

Times of Malta reported that “protesters gathered in Msida on Saturday afternoon to express solidarity with Palestinians and the people of Gaza” “hours ahead of a planned Israeli ground offensive into the Hamas-controlled territory.”

“Protesters at Msida flew Palestinian flags and held pictures of grieving women and dead children to urge a stop to the Israeli retaliation.”

As usual, we have the same old trick: using photos of women and children to get the sympathy of the people.

“The demonstration was held by the Arabic Culture Information Society (ACIS)” with “banners held by protesters read ‘justice is what we need’ and ‘lift the Gaza blockade’.”

“‘This is our land and they (Israel) took it from us,’ Sanaa El-Nahhal, president of ACIS said, as protestors applauded.”

This is the usual reason given and as long as both the beloved Palestinians and Israelis keep on fighting over land, with ‘this is my land’ and the other one saying ‘no, this is my land’, and putting their version of God in between, there will never be peace. Because you are all fighting over an earthly land. You are all chasing the world and when you do, you ask for trouble because you are chasing materialism.

As Mar Mari Emmanuel warned you “Because the more you chase this world, the more Satan will devour you.”

I would like to ask the Israelis and Palestinians three questions. First of all, beloved Palestinians and Israelis who are not living in Israel, are you just getting information by the mainstream media by any chance, where information given to you is twisted? Can’t you see the parts which are staged?

The second, when are you both going to profess that it was Jesus Christ who offered himself on Mount Mariah so that there will be peace? The second, when are you both going to wake up to what the Zionists have done to you both?

Instead of fighting each other, when will you both unite and fight the Zionists?

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