What is the New Age Religion of the New Age Movement?

The New Age Religiosity is typified by its eclectism. New Agers believe that there is no one true path to pursue spirituality. You are made to believe that you can create your own reality and your own life by practising techniques like the Law of Attraction which is an occult belief system that is taught by many human potential gurus, life coaches and various religious preachers. The book ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne explains this law of attraction. It is important to note that Rhonda Byrne is involved in loads of lawsuits, which you can search online. It pretty much sums up how the law of attraction is not as successful as she makes you believe.

Here are some quotes and posters you will come across on social media about this law of attraction:

Many New Agers seek direction for their personal life from spirit entities such as spirit guides. However spirit guides are actually demonic spirits that pretend to provide genuine spiritual direction.

Other New Age methods of achieving success, self-improvement, or higher consciousness include using a combination of New Age practices to predict and manage one’s future or fortunes, such as Yoga, Chakras, Astrology, Transcendental Meditation, Tarot cards, Black Magic / White Magic, and Psychic readings. All of these are forms of engaging in the occult and its activities under the guise of achieving success and bettering oneself.

New Agers hold a variety of contradictory beliefs about God or gods. They believe in pantheism and polytheism. As a result, they reject the Christian belief in a single God or Creator of the universe. In fact, you do not hear the word ‘God’ in the New Age Religion. Instead, the word ‘universe’ is used and they ‘pray’ to the universe. We must remind ourselves that the universe is not God but it is the creation of God.

They abelieve that the universe is God and that everything in it is a part of God. New Agers believe that man is either God or a part of God.

The New Age Religion also practises monism where it teaches that ‘all is one’ and ‘we are all one’. This posits that everything in the universe is divine. Man is regarded as a microcosm of the universal soul – having a spark of godhood. Thus, they believe the serpent’s lie that we can be gods and goddesses, and we can become like the Most High. But this is a lie because men is not omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent and men are not gods!

In his book ‘The Second Coming of the New Age’, Steven Bancarz wrote:

“If you are your own god, you are as good as it gets for you. No one can help you spiritually, because no one else is your god; only you are. Your limited experience on Earth is all you have to guide you through the mysteries of the universe, death, and beyond. You have to figure out how to provide your own afterlife without even knowing what happens after you die. Choosing to be your own god means you are worshipping a being who cannot create anything new, cannot save you from death, cannot provide you any answers you already know, cannot tell you what will happen for you, cannot provide a divine meaning or plan for your life, and cannot understand anything about reality outside a human perspective. In fact, if you are your own god, then your god cares for you that he or she believes you deserve nothing better than to worship a flawed and finite god who will die someday and cannot offer any first hand perspective on life after death.”

The New Agers also believe that by attaining “Christ-consciousness,” man can become a “little god” or become identical to God. As a result, many New Agers believe that man is a god or that man can become divine through various New Age practices. They pick and choose biblical statements so to manipulate Christ’s teachings, make you believe that you can still follow Christ and that their teachings are good.

Other terminology used is ‘the light’ and ‘to serve’:

Examples of New Age Religions are:

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