How Blackrock is building an empire in African countries while Europe and America are being destroyed with a high influx of illegal immigrants

If you think that the world’s most powerful people are some politicians and Elon Musk and other billionaires, well, you have to check out Laurence Fink, the chief executive Blackrock. Forbes had estimated that his net worth was approximately $1billion as of 2023. Blackrock, which he founded in 1988, made history in January 2022 when it grew to own $10 trillion in assets, and it continues to grow. To put the size of the company into perspective, consider that South Africa’s gross domestic product was $419.02 billion in 2021.

Although most people outside the finance industry don’t even know that Fink exists, the world surely knows that Blackrock does.

While Europe and America are being destroyed with a high influx of migrants, the world’s largest asset manager, Blackrock, which will coordinate investment in rebuilding back Ukraine’s economy, has been “quietly building a sizeable portfolio of African assets and an increasing sphere of influence on the continent.”

Blackrock “operates by acquiring management mandates from public institutions and central branks and taking shares in businesses that drive economic growth.”

Back in 2017, Blackrock invested in Nigeria’s currency bonds in order to improve the performance of its bond offerings. According to BlackRock’s Sergio Trigo Paz, the company favors Nigeria as well as oil producers such as Russia, Colombia, and Kazakhstan, and he plans to enter local markets in the West African country. He stated:

“We are moving into some countries even deeper because we feel that the macro environment is much more stable than it was and likely to improve going forward.With regard to sub-asset classes, local markets are still the place to be,” he added, noting that he expects the U.S. dollar to be less of a driver for local market returns.”

This year last March, Climate Finance Partnership, a fund managed by BlackRock Alternatives, bought nearly a third of the shares in Kenyan wind farm Lake Turkana. ‘Coincidentally’ climate-focused funds are increasingly focusing their attention on Africa.

“BlackRock said the fund will acquire the stake in Lake Turkana Wind Power in Kenya’s far north from Finnish development financier Finnfund, Danish wind turbines maker Vestas (VWS.CO), and the Investment Fund for Developing Countries, a Danish development financier.”

A regulatory filing published in the Kenyan press had said the stake amounts to 31.25% of the shares of LTWP, a 365-wind turbine facility with a 310 megawatt capacity.

“The regulatory notice defined the stake as “controlling”, but BlackRock later said that was within the meaning of Kenya’s energy law, not in the conventional sense of a controlling or majority stake. It did not disclose the value of the deal.”

According to Africa Intelligence, BlackRock has been “quietly building (an) empire” across the continent. ‘’With a 0.17% share of Kenya’s Safaricom, a 1.47% slice of South Africa’s MTN and Vodacom, which enjoys a quasi-monopoly of the African market. BlackRock also holds a 0.09% stake in Dangote Cement, the cement firm owned by Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote.’’

Klaus Schwab is on record saying that the world will be owned by a few, wealthy, private corporations like Blackrock. And while Europe and America are being destroyed by illegal immigration, Blackrock continues to turn into a colossal multinational investment company and the biggest asset manager in the world, while building and expanding its worldly empire in Africa.

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