Beyonce and Doja Cat: two other women who are on the list with Roberta Metsola on the TIME100 List of the 100 Most Influential People in the World

On reading the list on the TIME100 list of the 100 most influential people in the world, in which Roberta Metsola was listed in, we find 50 women. The whole list in general already raises eyebrows because I yet have to see, especially during this unique time in history, people who truly work for the benefit of humanity and who do not push any evil agenda.

I could not help but raise my eyebrows to come across the names of the two popstars Beyonce and Doja Cat. When it comes to Beyonce, there are a lot of theories around as to why she makes the Illuminati triangle sign when on stage. Moreover, her cover for her latest album “Renaissance” depicts her on a horse, just like she was depicted on the Vogue cover. Many claim that it looks like another image coming out of the Book of Revelations 6:8: “‘And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” In addition, others claimed that the live introduction act at Stockholm Renaissance World Tour of this year, was full of symbolism depicting an eclipse, black goo, transhumanism, AI, demons, rebirth and portals. Sounds like the ongoing current agendas right?

And then we have Doja Cat, a hip hop controversial artist with her fixation about demons and portraying them in videos. Notice the one-eye tattoo painted on the back of her shaved head:

And here is another video of another of her songs “Paint the Town Red”:

Is this what it means to be influential and be listed on the TIME100 list? It is good to know that many, if not all, of those on the list with Roberta Metsola, are there not because of something extraordinary they are doing for the liberation of humanity, or because they have a self-educated mind which is the most powerful weapon because they are willing to risk everything and gain nothing as long as they expose the truth. They are there because they are playing along with the agendas which are being pushed on the masses at this moment in time in history.

And unfortunately, the masses do not want the truth. They want entertainment. Only once you wake up, you do not see politics, entertainment, news, politicians, or celebrities anymore. You just see propaganda, special engineering, culture planning, and the manufacturing of consent.

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